Is it a bad sign when... blush...

cmacp Posts: 22 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
...since starting on this calorie counting mission and sticking to my plan, I don't seem as regular anymore... Sorry I had to ask the question because I wonder if this can also be why the scale just doesn't seem to be moving favourably even with loads of exercise!


  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Exercise can definitely make you irregular. About the scale not moving could be a lot of things. Are you eating enough? Are you eating your exercise calories? Sometimes things need to be tweaked.
  • happily
    happily Posts: 72 Member
    I went through a little digestive sluggishnes the first 2 or 3 weeks. It worked out on its own.

    Many years ago, I tried a very low carb diet and had a terrible problem with it. That didn't go away until I stopped that diet.
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Yes, not going regular will effect the scales. Make sure you are getting enough fiber and water to help you go more regular as well as keep you feeling full longer. God Bless, Brenda
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Apparently, yes... I saw a post the other day about the same issue! The advice there was to make sure you're getting enough water (a new exercise program can dehydrate you, and even eating a lot of fiber won't help if you're not adequately hydrated). Another thing to consider is the amount of food you're eating (if you're taking in less, there's less to get rid of), and the amount of fat you're consuming (people with the inability to absorb fat have really loose stools--sorry, I'm in health care and can't think of a nicer way to say it--so it follows that a very low fat diet, especially at the start, can cause problems).
  • CMAB
    CMAB Posts: 21
    I agree, I think you should try to shake up your routine a little just to shock your body. Try playing around with your calorie intake (but do not under-consume under any circumstance) or the protein/carb/fat ratio of your food , or increase/decrease the intensity of your workouts, or add some strength training (if you haven't already).

    Also I've strangely noticed that if I don't drink enough water, my body hates it and the scale just sticks. Sometimes our bodies just get used to a routine and gets complacent. I'm sure once you change things up a bit you'll have an idea what works for you. I hope this helps. Good luck! :)
  • cmacp
    cmacp Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, not going regular will effect the scales. Make sure you are getting enough fiber and water to help you go more regular as well as keep you feeling full longer. God Bless, Brenda

    Thanks everyone!

    Brenda, you are probably right, I am not drinking enough water... I drink ALOT of coffee, but I do eat ALOT of veg and fruit too... I guess as someone said earlier, the first few days your body is just working itself out... when that happens I am sure I will drop a few pounds in one foul swoop (no pun intended!) LOL!
  • cmacp
    cmacp Posts: 22 Member
    I agree, I think you should try to shake up your routine a little just to shock your body. Try playing around with your calorie intake (but do not under-consume under any circumstance) or the protein/carb/fat ratio of your food , or increase/decrease the intensity of your workouts, or add some strength training (if you haven't already).

    Also I've strangely noticed that if I don't drink enough water, my body hates it and the scale just sticks. Sometimes our bodies just get used to a routine and gets complacent. I'm sure once you change things up a bit you'll have an idea what works for you. I hope this helps. Good luck! :)

    Ok - that must be it then.. I will have to be more conscientous and drink more water... I think all the other things are fine... carbs are in check and I have not cut out fat to the extreme...

    I noticed you are doing very well on your weight loss - similar target as mine... any other tips you can share? Filling, healthy meals... :-)
  • cmacp
    cmacp Posts: 22 Member
    Apparently, yes... I saw a post the other day about the same issue! The advice there was to make sure you're getting enough water (a new exercise program can dehydrate you, and even eating a lot of fiber won't help if you're not adequately hydrated). Another thing to consider is the amount of food you're eating (if you're taking in less, there's less to get rid of), and the amount of fat you're consuming (people with the inability to absorb fat have really loose stools--sorry, I'm in health care and can't think of a nicer way to say it--so it follows that a very low fat diet, especially at the start, can cause problems).

    Thats really helpful thanks! It seems to be a common theme... I must admit, drinking alot of water has never been my strong point... only when I was pregnant did I really make the effort! I do drink too much coffee though... I read somewhere once that although its a diuretic, up to 4 cups actually counts towards your 8-a-day...
  • cmacp
    cmacp Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, not going regular will effect the scales. Make sure you are getting enough fiber and water to help you go more regular as well as keep you feeling full longer. God Bless, Brenda

    PS Brenda.... WOW! What an amazing loss! Well done!
  • If your not pregnant or nursing you can add two tbsps of flaxseed meal a day and that will help. You can find it in the flour section in walmart.:blushing:
  • cmacp
    cmacp Posts: 22 Member
    If your not pregnant or nursing you can add two tbsps of flaxseed meal a day and that will help. You can find it in the flour section in walmart.:blushing:

    Thanks, thats interesting... my sister gave me a great recipe which includes flaxseed, I just can't find it very easily (im in the UK)... a great breakfast: greek yoghurt, sliced banana, cashew nuts, flaxseed and honey drizzled over the top for sweetening... Definately going to try that now!
  • As a coffee lover myself, be aware that coffee is a diuretic and will dehydrate you even more. At the same time, for me anyway, if I drink coffee I find I'm not thirsty and don't drink enough water. My solution is to limit how much coffee I will have in a day, and then space it out. I find myself wanting a cup, but instead drink water. I allow myself three or four cups in the morning, one in the afternoon, and two in the evening. I also focus on making my eight cups of water and logging it here.

    Everyone is right, more water, more fiber, and a little time, things will move for you again...
  • You're not alone. I have IBS (irritable bowl syndrome) and I thought with exercising daily, drinking 5-8 glasses of water a day, and getting plenty of fiber, that I might be more regular but I'm not. =( I was thinking of adding prunes to my diet to see if that helps any.
  • Way to go, Brenda. You are an inspiration. :flowerforyou:
  • CMAB
    CMAB Posts: 21
    Thanks, but I'm actually trying to break a plateau myself. :) But from experience I know there are several things that my body 'likes':

    -WATER (seriously, it's very weird how much it likes water... haha)

    - Cardio - My choice of exercise is walking. But when I've gotten stuck in the past, I always revved up my cardio routine and that seemed to move things along. Strength training somehow never had the same effect. I'm currently doing some P90X cardio based workouts which is far from my relaxing walking routine. (groan)

    - Food cut-off time - I work out at night usually about 2 hours after dinner, but after my workout I get really hungry so there are times when I eat right before bed because I'm starving. I know people say it doesn't matter when you eat as long as you're within your limit but I've noticed that the later I eat, the lesser my weight loss is. Now I try to eat at least 2 hours before bedtime and if I'm still hungry I'll drink a glass of milk.

    As for food, I eat a lot of beans, lentils and pulses in general. I currently live in India so I mostly eat vegetarian food. Also I remember a family friend who is a nutritionist once told me that calabash is really good especially if you're trying to lose belly fat (when I just started out I ate the stuff like there was no tomorrow... now I can't stand it. haha). I generally try to eat more protein than carbs because my body just loves holding on to it. :)

    I hope that helped a bit. It's just trial and error until you find out what your body likes!
  • cmacp
    cmacp Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks, but I'm actually trying to break a plateau myself. :) But from experience I know there are several things that my body 'likes':

    -WATER (seriously, it's very weird how much it likes water... haha)

    - Cardio - My choice of exercise is walking. But when I've gotten stuck in the past, I always revved up my cardio routine and that seemed to move things along. Strength training somehow never had the same effect. I'm currently doing some P90X cardio based workouts which is far from my relaxing walking routine. (groan)

    - Food cut-off time - I work out at night usually about 2 hours after dinner, but after my workout I get really hungry so there are times when I eat right before bed because I'm starving. I know people say it doesn't matter when you eat as long as you're within your limit but I've noticed that the later I eat, the lesser my weight loss is. Now I try to eat at least 2 hours before bedtime and if I'm still hungry I'll drink a glass of milk.

    As for food, I eat a lot of beans, lentils and pulses in general. Also I currently live in India so I mostly eat vegetarian food. Also I remember a family friend who is a nutritionist once told me that calabash is really good especially if you're trying to lose belly fat (when I just started out I ate the stuff like there was no tomorrow... now I can't stand it. haha). I generally try to eat more protein than carbs because my body just loves holding on to it. :)

    I hope that helped a bit. It's just trial and error until you find out what your body likes!

    Well you look great, so it must be working for you!!! Thanks for the tips!
  • CMAB
    CMAB Posts: 21
    Thank you :) these last few pounds are an uphill battle but we'll get through it!
  • Taka75
    Taka75 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks, thats interesting... my sister gave me a great recipe which includes flaxseed, I just can't find it very easily (im in the UK)... a great breakfast: greek yoghurt, sliced banana, cashew nuts, flaxseed and honey drizzled over the top for sweetening... Definately going to try that now!

    Flaxseed is mostly called linseed in the UK. You should be able to find it in the supermarket near the nuts and raisins etc. Health food shops may work out cheaper if you want larger amounts to grind for your breakfast!
  • cmacp
    cmacp Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks, thats interesting... my sister gave me a great recipe which includes flaxseed, I just can't find it very easily (im in the UK)... a great breakfast: greek yoghurt, sliced banana, cashew nuts, flaxseed and honey drizzled over the top for sweetening... Definately going to try that now!

    Flaxseed is mostly called linseed in the UK. You should be able to find it in the supermarket near the nuts and raisins etc. Health food shops may work out cheaper if you want larger amounts to grind for your breakfast!

    I never knew that!!! Thank you so much for the info... linseed watch out, I am coming to get you!
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