Antidepressants & Weight loss



  • flkeys99
    flkeys99 Posts: 1
    I've been taking antidpressants for years and think it may have something to do with my weight gain over the years. Just joined yesterday as I need to get serious about losing these pounds! I take Welbutrin SR and have been on some variation of that med / dosage for a long time. I'm 45+ and have a new job that requires travel out of town every other week so that is both good and bad. Eating out nearly every meal M-F every other week.
  • Lennonluv2
    Lennonluv2 Posts: 956 Member
    Feel free to add me :smile: I want to say it's very important to note that people are affected in different ways by medications so it's really all about trial and error.

    I have Bipolar disorder and have been living with it for the last 29 years. I don't take antidepressants now but I have in the past. Wellbutrin helped me and I was able to lose weight on it..... Zoloft also was good for my depression but I gained weight while on it so thankfully I was weaned off it.

    The reason why I am finally losing weigh steadily is because my Dr. switched my meds from Depakote to Tegretol (These are NOT antidepressants) they are used as mood stabilizers but I thought it was relevant to your post to mention because it can be a huge challenge to find a med that helps you feel good but is weight neutral. I will need to take medication for the rest of my life and I finally found a Dr. who believes that my physical health is equally as important as my mental well being. Hooray.

    Good luck to all!!!! It can be done!
  • orygunred
    orygunred Posts: 20
    Paxil. Add me too.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I've tried so many.
    Honestly, regular exercise is my TRUE antidepressant.

    Just get moving, keep your eating in check and the weight will come off. Sometimes slower than others but as long as you keep at it, consistent and dedicated, it will come off.

    Good luck!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Pamela_in_Progress
    Pamela_in_Progress Posts: 197 Member
    Hello Sarah, I've too have been struggling most of my life with depression. I've tried many different anti-depressants over the years and never had a problem with weight gain until I started taking divalproex just over 3 years ago and then put on over 40 lbs. Weight gain sure didn't help with my sense of well being that's for sure. I finally decided this past April to do something about my weight and joined MFP. I'm feeling so much better getting regular exercise but I still have some off days. Like this past week I've been feeling a lot of anxiety and not sure where it's coming from. So far I've only lost 5 lbs but I'm feeling stronger every day and definitely more empowered. Feel free to add me and we can help support one another.
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    I'm on Lexapro 20mg now and have not experienced any weight gain. My psychiatrist knew not to prescribe a medication with that side effect because of my hx of eating disorders. I've been on everything under the sun, and the one med I'd recommend staying as far away as possible is Risperdal. I gained 30 lbs and started lactating !!!

    Risperdol has a LOT of side effects. One of the worst being Tardive Dyskinesia, uncontrolled muscle movements, which is irreversible.
  • Mariposa_Lily
    Mariposa_Lily Posts: 38 Member
    I'm not on SSRIs any more, but I was on Zoloft for migraines back when the medical establishment was saying SSRIs did not cause weight gain and blamed any gain that did occur on people eating more when they were no longer depressed. I know for a fact, though, that it caused me to put on 10 lbs in 6 months (from 112 to 122) and my diet didn't change at all. If anything, I was exercising MORE because I felt better! Stopped the meds (with doctor's approval, of course) and the weight came off.

    Sometimes it just takes finding the right med for your body. Later, I was on Lexapro for various reasons and had no weight problems at all. It was great for me, and I stayed on it as long as my doctor thought I needed to be on it. You just never know until you try.

    Right now, my struggle is with Elavil (old school tricyclic antidepressant used more often now for nerve issues). Even on a dose "too low to cause noticeable side effects" (according to my doctors), it seems to have either slowed my metabolism or reset my body to think 5-10 lbs heavier is where it wants to be. And, so the fight begins again....
  • SassyFlowerLady
    SassyFlowerLady Posts: 12 Member
    I heard Prozac would help weight loss but it didnt help me with anything and then I was on Zoloft and it made me feel empty inside ( is the best way to describe it) and I didnt want to live like that so I slowly got off that med and was doing good for a while then now I am having anxiety attacks!! I just went to the doctor today and we talked it over and he put me on Klonopin but it is only 0.5 mg!!! Is that gonna be strong enough to help me??? if anyone knows about this med I would like to hear what you think!! :)

    Good luck to Us all xxx

    I haven't finished reading through this thread yet so I'm not sure if anyone has answered you. I currently take Klonopin as well - but only from time to time (i.e. when I feel EXTRA anxious). It was prescribed to me about 5-6yrs ago and I've been using it on and off since then. I also have that low of a dose and let me tell you - It DOES the job. The first time I took it I was completed knocked on my *kitten*. I slept FOR-EVER!. I've since gotten used to the medication and now it just mellows me out. Its the only thing I'm on right now that I actually don't mind having to take from time to time. I'm sure they already mentioned this when they prescribed it to you, but the reason they give you such a small dose and generally only suggest using it from time to time is because it is HIGHLY addictive. So just be aware of that. Hope it works out for you - and thank you so much for responding to this thread.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I'm also on Prozac; have been for a few months now. For me, my doctor advised it for control with overeating (it works with obessive compulsive behaviours) and mild depression. I feel good although having some sleeping issues still. I find I am able to better control my nighttime binging (not every night, but definitely moreso than before it). Do you find it helps you with that?
  • SassyFlowerLady
    SassyFlowerLady Posts: 12 Member
    I'm also on Prozac; have been for a few months now. For me, my doctor advised it for control with overeating (it works with obessive compulsive behaviours) and mild depression. I feel good although having some sleeping issues still. I find I am able to better control my nighttime binging (not every night, but definitely moreso than before it). Do you find it helps you with that?

    I haven't really been able to find anything positive yet. Haven't really been on it long enough I guess. I generally ask my family if they've noticed any changes - nothing so far *shrugs*. I do know that I seem to get very sluggish right after taking it (I was told to take it in the morning). As the day goes on I notice a touch more energy - by the time I go to bed I am tossing and turning. It's frustrating to say the least. I go back to the Doc on July 19th for an evaluation, so I'll have to give it til then to form a real opinion I suppose. For now - I keep striving for my weight loss goals primarily because I am in a HUGE weight loss challenge with some friends ($$$$$).
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238

    On top of the anti-depressants I have been having my thyroid tested since I was 8 and have yet to get out of the "grey area" - according to my doctors. I will be getting tested again in the next week. I'm sure that has A LOT to do with my lack of energy but at this point there doesn't seem to be anything more I can do.

    While I was reading your post, I started to wonder if there wasn't a thyroid issue somewhere in there. If you need help interpreting your blood work, there's a great hypo/hyperthyroid group on here that can steer you in the right direction. I was off and on anxiety meds for years before I realized I had a problem with my thyroid. Treating it has made a huge difference and I am no longer on the anxiety meds.
    Whichever med or path of treatment you choose, I hope you find something that truly works for you.
    I have been on treatment for Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety for 4 years. I work out 7 days a week, eat an appropriate diet, and have a really hard time loosing weight. I gained significantly over a short period of time with several medications, and haven't been able to get back to pre-depression weight.
    I take mutliple include those for other conditions. If you read the research, it makes since that what we experience is true...but still get the negative bias from providers on this subject.
    I have to say that exercise does better for me than diet. With dieting I even did the Medifast plan, only lost 10 pounds in inital 800 calorie ketosis phase...then when bumped into maintenance 1200-1500 calories (gross...not net), gained 15 pounds. The low carbs lowers your mood...but exercise picks you up...also helps with chronic pain.
    I'm glad AMA classifed obesity a disease...maybe better research and understanding will come along. Wasn't too long ago depression was just "in our heads". Now we know it is a whole body disease...
    I would be happy to be added to this topic
    Don't worry....there are many of us in the same boat :flowerforyou:
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    I just commented on a similar post this very morning!

    Chin up!
  • mcgeorge5
    mcgeorge5 Posts: 92 Member
    I have taken Abilify before and my weight went up 20 pounds in a matter of months just after I started taking it. I do not take it any more.
  • Shelleyannrn
    Shelleyannrn Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on Welbutrin for years. Started to quit smoking and was so impressed by the antidepressant side-effects I stayed on it. I find it really works for the depression. Figured I didn't need them, a while back so weaned myself off. a while later I realized just how well they were working when I spiraled down again. As for the weight loss, I'd like to say they did nothing for me as I kept gaining and gaining, but I think that was more my sedentary lifestyle and my eat what I want when I want diet, which I can guarantee you did not include salads and were not portion controlled. I have lost 58 pounds since Jan 28 and feel great.
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    I'd say you need to discuss with doctor but my experience is many of these drugs cause or at least make it difficult to lose weight. Several years ago, I was prescribed clonazapam for panic attacks. Found myself putting on 1-2 pounds weekly, even with exercise. Fortunately, the source of my panic attacks was identified and I was taken off the med.....result was weight loss at about same rate
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,178 Member
    I have been on Celexa for over a year and have had no problem with weight loss as a result. But because of another side effect, which involves my libido, my Dr. decided to take me off it and put me on Welbutrin, which he says has no effect on libido. We'll see if I have any other problems.
  • I take Wellbutrin for a combo of depression and add. It actually causes a little weight loss at first. Definitely not the traditional antidepressant for that reason, talk to your doc about it, it works great for me, for everything.
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    I've been on Paxil and Zoloft and didn't notice any weight changes. Zoloft made me feel too deadened though. I tried Wellbutrin and didn't care for it. I was ... Randy... Lets just say. But apart from that it didn't help my depression or other symptoms. I'm now on Viibryd but I'm not sure if its preventing me from losing. I am thinking of taking the dosage down or adding something else ! Hope this helps!
  • BrainOnAStick
    BrainOnAStick Posts: 126 Member
    Brilliant topic. Thanks! While medications haven't been my obstacle to weight loss, I definitely think depression has led to a lack of motivation to exercise and definitely sparks some "comfort eating."