Farming and exercise!

Hello! I'm brand new to this program. I am vegetable farming all summer and have been putting "gardening" in as my exercise for the day. Does anyone know if the gardening workout and calories burned are accurate? I really have no idea what I'm burning when I'm working from 7:30-5pm, I just know that at the end of the day I'm exhausted and my body just craves protein all the time!
Thanks yall.


  • rideshorses
    rideshorses Posts: 9 Member
    Funny you mention this, as I was just thinking about am I ever going to do "real" exercise?

    After my "income" job of re-habbing apartments, I come home to all sort of jobs that a small farm requires.

    Today's included:
    Stack hay
    dig a couple of post holes
    how many trips (walking) to the garage for tools?
    cut some wood
    muck stalls
    strip the goat barn
    weed the garden
    how many times did I climb on and off the tractor?
    scrub a water trough
    chase the new chickens (whom can't quite figure out where home is)

    Add to this a couple of loads of laundry (thank God I don't have to beat them on a rock) , emptying the dishwasher
    and cooking food.

    It's now 10:10 pm............... when do I excercise?
  • jackieross82
    jackieross82 Posts: 58 Member
    Im right there with u guys. Im a farmer too I have 28 head of cows, 5 horses and 20 chicken. Everyday is a challenge to exercise. Some how I do get to ride my bike. I also have a full time job on weekends work 11hr days. I have a 3year old son too that loves to help.
  • hmcmerriman
    Nice to know I'm not alone! Its very challenging to exercise because when I'm done with the day, I'm starving and just want to sleep! I've just been targeting my calorie limit and any exercise along with that is a bonus. I've been weeding fields all week, harvesting, cleaning and feeding chickens, I'm sure a lot of calories are being used up in a day!