Cardio vs Strength....

I have a question, I am trying to get in as much cardio as I can (some days I have to literally force myself to two youtube zumba songs...two...but I figured it's better than nothing). I find that it is so much easier for me to do strength training. I love doing thigh, leg, arm, and ab workouts and can do those almost every day (I wait 24 hours before working the same muscle group though). My question is, should I really try to focus more on cardio, or doing my strength often okay enough to help keep me fit during my pregnancy? After the 4th, my husband is doing the Master Cleanse for 25 days, so for myself, I am planning a great clean eating menu full of good proteins, non processed, low carb, meals and will be eating 6-8 meals a day. We already have a great diet now, but I want to get quite strict for the month of July. I have read that building muscle helps burn calories throughout the day where as cardio only burns calories in the moment. What would your tips be? Should I really try to get in more cardio or should I just focus on my strength? My end result is healthy baby gain while staying lean, fit, and toned. I want to prevent cellulite and any access weight gain. With my previous pregnancy, I gained within the normal range, but didn't really exercise during the pregnancy. The weight came off okay, but there was no real muscle tone and even though I weighed less, I looked "flabby." I want to look toned this time before and after I have the baby. Suggestions? Thanks ladies!! Really appreciate!


  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
  • MarineVeteran
    Cardio can be done every day. Strength training if you're just starting I would start with two days a week. For example, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Then move up to the traditional, three days a week. Your muscles are actually made in the recovery periods, not in the actual workout.

    The best thing I can suggest would be to visit You can get workout routines, exercises details, products, and a ton of information.
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    Sorry, I may not have been clear. I realize how many days you can do each. I am 21 weeks pregnant and don't have a ton of energy so I have slowed down my workout routine. I am not just starting out and have been quite active, but am continuly slowing down. So, what I was wondering more specifically is will doing lots of strength training help keep extra weight gain at bay or should I really get more cardio in even if it isn't a lot?
  • atlchc8
    atlchc8 Posts: 53 Member

    I recently started a cardio and strength training program and from what I've researched anything that gets your heart rate elevated for at least 20 minutes will burn fat. So yes you definitely need cardio to burn fat. Men can get away with just heavy lifting and eating clean to lose fat but women cannot because of our slower metabolisms. Now there are strength training programs that are cardio as well so maybe you can find a routine like that. That way you can tone and do your cardio at the same time. I personally do 2 days of strength training and 4 days of cardio but I am trying to work my way up to 5 days of cardio but I understand you wouldn't be able to do that due to your lack of energy. Check out Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I hear that uses weights and cardio. I haven't done it myself but it seems to have some pretty good reviews.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Ideally, you want a mix of both. Cardio tends to be better at burning off fat, but it also burns muscle mass. Strength training helps to counter this loss and ensure that most of the weight lost is fat rather than lean body mass. I would probably keep strength training to two or three times a week, and cycle between major muscle groups (ie, arms and chest monday, legs and back wednesday, shoulders and abs friday). On three to five days a week, you can do cardio (I would typically do cardio after weight training if done on the same day to reduce the risk of injury) to keep your cardiovascular system working healthy and promote fat loss. Give yourself one or two days a week of rest (no weights, no cardio, light exercise such as walking is fine) to give your body a chance to rebuild.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Please do not try to lose weight while pregnant without your doctor's input? And it you have never done strengh training (with weights) talk to a trainer and your doctor before you start....
  • Megadautilus
    I'm no doctor so I would suggest asking them and a strength trainer what exercises are appropriate for your current state. I find the cardio helps with weight loss, but even that is mostly water. The benefit is over long periods of time it keeps the metabolism up, diet is pretty much the key factor with weight loss.
  • BrittanyBrines
    BrittanyBrines Posts: 144 Member
    I appreciate the help guys. And just to be clear, I am not starting anything new at all. I have been doing ALL of this for a while...two years. And I have my doctor's permission. She says it's great and wonderfully healthy for baby. I'm not trying to LOSE weight, just training to maintain healthy weight gain. Gaining too much is actually unhealthy for momma and baby. But, yes I have talked to my doc and have permission, but they aren't exercise experts like y'all are. :) So I wanted to see what the difference was really. I have always done both, but since I don't have the energy to do a long cardio, I wondered if clean eating, lots of water, and strength would help me maintain. :) Keep the tips coming, I appreciate them!