Beginner weight training and questions

My overall goal is to tone up and build more muscle.I know I haven't been logging so much lately, which I will start back up soon. I have started weight training and have been going 5x a week while working out different muscle groups during those 5 days.

With weight training..I am wondering how much i should be eating? more calories then what it says? and how much cardio should i be doing a week? how many mins? how much is too much?

Any tips and answers would be great!


  • walshek
    walshek Posts: 4
    Hey! :)

    If you are strength training regularly enough, your body will start to crave more calories in an effort to maintain the developing muscle fibers you are building. From what I know, you need to make sure you are getting an adequate amount of carbs and proteins as fuel sources, which may mean an increase in overall calorie intake. Your body does not burn fat during activity (ie, strength training), but rather burns fat during rest. So during your training, your body will rely on carbohydrates as its energy source.

    That all being said (assuming you knew most of that ;p), I would eat a very small meal before strength training of mainly carbs, then down a protein shake afterwards. It is absolutely vital to consume enough protein while strength training as your muscles develop tears from use. The protein will speed up your development. All in all, you will probably be eating a bit more. Not too significant an amount, and maybe not for a while. But once your muscle mass starts to increase, your caloric intake should follow suit.

    As far as cardio... That depends on your individual goals. If you're a hardcore cardio girl, maybe tone it down a bit so your body has a chance to repair itself. But I am wiling to bet you're fine sticking to what you're doing in that department :)

    Good luck! And congrats on such a great loss! :)
  • koing
    koing Posts: 179 Member
    My overall goal is to tone up and build more muscle.I know I haven't been logging so much lately, which I will start back up soon. I have started weight training and have been going 5x a week while working out different muscle groups during those 5 days.

    With weight training..I am wondering how much i should be eating? more calories then what it says? and how much cardio should i be doing a week? how many mins? how much is too much?

    Any tips and answers would be great!

    I'd start with 10% above your maintenance on the calories front. What is your % break down of carbs, fats and proteins anyway?

    I'd do cardio 2x a week. I'd do intervals for 10-15minutes. Or maybe do one interval session and one longer 30min of normal cardio if you enjoy it. I'd say do cardio a maximum of 3x a week if you must. As long as you are eating enough you will still build muscle and put on little fat if you don't eat too much and it'll depend on your % split of carbs, fats and proteins. The cardio will help keep you in check fat wise, but if you are not seeing fat loss within 2 weeks you are eating too much or your % split isn't good.

  • runawaybishop
    My overall goal is to tone up and build more muscle.I know I haven't been logging so much lately, which I will start back up soon. I have started weight training and have been going 5x a week while working out different muscle groups during those 5 days.

    With weight training..I am wondering how much i should be eating? more calories then what it says? and how much cardio should i be doing a week? how many mins? how much is too much?

    Any tips and answers would be great!

    5 times a week sounds like too much, you need to ensure you give your muscles adequate time to recover. 3 times a week mon, wed, fri with 30-40 mins light cardio in between would be more than fine and will probably return better results. Beginners typically do not need to perform a 4/5 day split.

    Ensure you are eating enough protein to assist with muscle repair and growth - anything from 1 to 1.5 grams per kg of bodyweight would be fine. Don't undereat protein, it will counteract your hard work. Are you trying to gain muscle, or lose weight?

    Eat/take a protein snack 30 mins with a cup off coffee before your workout and eat your biggest meal of the day after your workout - this meal should have the majority of your carbs in it if at all possible.

    Do you have a lifting routine yet?
  • ashleyrg
    ashleyrg Posts: 85 Member
    I am trying to gain muscle, and yes i have a routine for weight training