Alcohol consumption and weight loss



  • Phalin
    Phalin Posts: 4 Member
    I've tried a mixing in a few lower calorie options throughout the night and it seems to help to not drink the same thing all the time. Sometimes I do a red beer instead of just a beer before dinner as it's more filling so I tend not to eat so much and still feel full and satisfied that I've had a drink, and I have a great recipe! I also have a good recipe for just hanging out in the summer evenings, it's a lighter version pina colada sort of thing. I'll try and get the recipes into the recipe section but feel free to pm me if you want them before I get them there. Good luck to all of us, may we Not give up!
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    pre log and allow about 500cals for 2 drinks. This is not chocolate milk martinis or something, just normal G&T or something. Remember, alcohol can effect your body in other ways other than just calories. I still have a few glasses of red a couple of times a month though :)
  • mariliak
    mariliak Posts: 36 Member
    Low calorie alcohol is the key . Beers are around 150 , wine is 45 per small glass and gin tonic is 110 . Add some shots and you will be fine . Also i exercise a lot before getting drunk and I try to dance when I drink . And I try to save calories that day , no dinner , low fat stuff the entire day and you will be fine . Thats how thin people do it ( the ones who never in their life had to lose wait ) . No sweet drinks and no coctails
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Dry wine and hard liquor.... Eat less fat on days you're going to drink...

    read that^^
  • frenchfacey
    frenchfacey Posts: 237 Member
    Hello, vodka diet... Duhhhhhh