Just started this...

Hi everyone! Just started myfitnesspal. Wanting to lose 1 stone but need motivation! Any tips would be brilliant, thanks all and good luck with your weight loss!


  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    Welcome. I have been here since October and although ups and downs, the support has been amazing.

    TIP: Log everything you eat and drink and exercise. This site is great for that.....

    Get loads of friends to interact with, to help with accountability and support, and make sure you have fun as well.

    Good luck in your journey.

  • misschip1983
    misschip1983 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi ive been on since beging of jan ,I was doing really well till my mother in law passed away in march ,then I comfort ate and ballooned back to 11st7, but then I got back on it and now im 10st10. Im very nearly at my goal weight.

    as above says make sure you put everything down in your log, I also found using a smaller plate helps control my portion size.

    also make sure you have little treats, as you can see from my diary Im not on a strict diet,im on a eat everything in moderation one lol.
    good luck on your journey. feel free to add me x
  • Find a friend ! My husband is counting calories for the first time ever and I love it! Makes all the difference
  • GemmaCastle94
    GemmaCastle94 Posts: 4 Member
    I completely understand about the comfort eating. My grandad passed away December 2011 and I've done exactly that since. But I think it's time to get back into shape now. Using a smaller plate is a great idea, I'd never have thought of that.
    Good luck with you're journey, you're doing brilliantly by the sounds of it :)
  • VanessaG02
    VanessaG02 Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!!! My recommendation is to make sure you log everything, or at least try to, the good and the bad. It helps me stay accountable for my weight loss. Also make lots of active friends here. It makes the process a lot more enjoyable, especially to have friends that will help you with this journey and celebrate your small accomplishments on a daily basis. Moderation is key. Eat what you like but smaller portions, then switch some food choices for better choices, until you have recharged your diet to eating a lot healthier. Its a slower process but whenever I went from eating whatever I wanted to drastically changing it ... I always failed. This way is a little bit slower process but I have been keeping up with it. I don't feel so deprived of the thing I love to eat! And last but certainly not least increase your activity little by little and you'll be sure to reach your goals! Best of luck!
  • Tuesday20
    Tuesday20 Posts: 93 Member
    Weigh everything! I didn't realise just how much I was eating until I started weighing it accurately! I was eating the same portions as my 6'3, heavy lifting boyfriend. (I'm 5' and waaaay too lazy for my own good!)
    And, don't go hungry! You're more likely to binge and your body wont thank you for starving! Don't think of MFP as a diet, but a lifestyle change. If you cant maintain your calorie targets you will pile weight back on when you start eating 'normally', so be realistic, and BE KIND TO YOURSELF! :D

    Celebrate every success with your friends, the community here is amazing. And, having seen the little goals everyone else is achieving, motivates me to do the same.

    If you would like to send me a friend request, Im here :D
  • GemmaCastle94
    GemmaCastle94 Posts: 4 Member
    Well guys, just been and had myself weighed and wasn't expecting the results I got. I'm 11 stone 12! (I thought I was 11 stone so massive shock!) it's made me only more determined to shift this weight. I'm now officially overweight (only by 2lbs but that's a lot of work to shift them!) - I've always been 'normal' weight but bordering on underweight so I HAVE to shed some lbs! Been and bought lots of fruit and cleared all the cupboards of biscuits and sweets (except rich tea but they're low calories so its okay).
  • Welcome to MFP! Remember that weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. People often get too hung up on the big picture rather than focusing on what's in front of them. Don't worry about your goal - just focus on each day. My goal today is to get to the gym and bust out an intense workout for an hour.

    If you want a fitness buddy, send me a friend request.
  • Darryl4126
    Darryl4126 Posts: 267 Member
    Good luck on your journey you wil do well if you stay dedicated. What the heck is a stone ????????? You must convert to pounds for southern guys
  • GemmaCastle94
    GemmaCastle94 Posts: 4 Member
    A stone is 14 pounds :)
  • ununa
    ununa Posts: 1
    don need to worry about,,u wil be successful...
    loosin 14 pounds is not a big deal
  • bdukes10
    bdukes10 Posts: 5
    I was wondering the same thing....LOL I don't know what a stone is either?