Taking a cruise. What do I eat?!?!?



  • AndiNofziger
    My best piece of advice is to eat in the dining room (instead of the buffets) for your meals. The food is much better and the portions are small. The buffet is a mine field, in my opinion. Also, use the stairs instead of taking the elevator, and make sure you hit the gym or at least use the walking track around the top of the boat. My husband and I cruise at least once a year, and we're able to do it without gaining weight. Have a blast--cruising is the best!!
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    Cruises are tough, I don't think I would go with a preconception that I would stick to a diet. It's OK to eat just try to be moderate, and have a great time.
  • elizabethduncanheydary15
    I didn't log anything for the week I was on a cruise. I would say that you need to enjoy yourself, but when you get back, get back to your normal routine! Only eat when you're hungry. There will be food constantly out, but you will be fed plenty at meals with several courses that you really don't need to be snacking in between every meal. Taking a week off made it harder for me to stay on track when I got back and my weight plateaued shortly after, but those are just my own circumstances.
  • lmbame905
    lmbame905 Posts: 84 Member
    My whole weight loss journey revolved around getting into a wedding dress, and then we honeymooned on a cruise. :)
    The alcohol is what did me in.
    i made a deal with my husband that we would ONLY take the stairs. And we lived up to that until the very last day. Running on the treadmill was also really interesting.
    There's oatmeal and boiled eggs for breakfast, then eat in the dining room for lunch and dinner. the choices are much healthier than the burgers, pizza and paninis you can get whenever you want.

    I personally tried to be good a couple of days, but then thoguht to myself, "I'm on my honeymoon." so I ate what I wanted and got on the scale when I got home. 10 lbs up. Which is impossible, but I did drink a lot and ate a lot of salt. So, just enjoy yourself and do what you can, when you can without too much worry.

    If you do gain a lb or 2, so what? Get back on the horse when you get home.
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    I'd be great on a cruise, I get sea sick so think I could eat pretty much what I want as it'll be going in the sea soon after anyway!!

    ps Enjoy :)
  • TracyJo93
    TracyJo93 Posts: 197 Member
    Eat what you want and enjoy yourself. When I went on my cruise, I had fruit and oatmeal for breakfast every day, and salad for lunch. I pigged out at dinner and had whatever dessert I wanted. Believe me, you'll be burning mega calories throughout the day and be starving by dinner. Don't sweat it and just enjoy yourself. You'll have a blast!
  • susanr613
    susanr613 Posts: 22
    I lost weight on a cruise last winter. Here's how:
    1. I was mindful and deliberate in my choices. I indulged only in what was extremely special and tasty and what I would not eat at home. This was usually at dinner, although I did introduce my 16 year old son to scones one afternoon. I didn't see him much during the day and evening so it was special to bump into him and have a snack together. It is one of my best memories of the cruise.
    2. I stuck to my usual eating plan for breakfast and lunch, but included more veggies and fruit.
    3. I took the stairs everywhere and all the time, even in heels for formal night.
    4. I danced a lot! I participated in the on-deck activities, took salsa lessons, and danced the night away during the midnight buffet.
    5. I worked out at the gym every morning.

    Just because the food is there doesn't mean you are obligated to eat it. Focus on the non-food run of the cruise, and indulge in what's worth indulging in.

    Have a wonderful time!
  • rykwarren
    rykwarren Posts: 1 Member
    I go on two or three cruises per year. I have never gained weight on one. I don't know about Carnival, but Celebrity always has lighter options offered on their menus. That being said; indulge yourself with the food! My "secret" is increased activity while cruising. Walk the length of the ship at least twice a day. Take the stairs if your destination is two decks or less. Swim in the pool. Don't even turn the TV on in your stateroom.

    I struggle more at home than I do on my cruises.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member

    Eat as much as you want, but don't eat past fullness. One thing I appreciated on my cruise is that they really seemed to emphasize quality over quantity at the sit-down meals. I took a cruise last December, and I gained 0.6 pounds. Just make sure you have a good time.

    Also, walk your *kitten* off.
    ETA: Seriously - walk walk walk, and take the stairs every single time.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    If you're super concerned about logging, see if you can find a menu for the ships restaurant so you know exactly what you'll be eating and log a head of time, or print off a list of the calorie values of various meats, veggies and fruit, sweets and drinks. Then log on paper and input it back into MFP when you come back.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I agree with a lot of posters here - stick to lean grilled options and enjoy your fruits and veggies. But don't be afraid to enjoy a few drinks and desserts as well. Just don't use your vacation as an excuse to completely blow off your new lifestyle. You shouldn't be crash dieting so going on a cruise shouldn't really change what you eat on any normal day IMO.

    Have fun!!
  • bryionak
    bryionak Posts: 110 Member
    Probably not much help but...

    I was worried about losing ground on my vacation and was mindful of it but didn't really log. because i had done so much walking I actually lost about .5 pound on vacation. the problem I had was getting back into the routine after vacation. That has taken me a few weeks and I gained a few pounds.
  • brittany0859
    I actually just got back from a carnival cruise. Surprisingly they had lots of healthy options. In the buffet for breakfast they had oatmeal, lots is fresh fruit, whole grain/wheat toast, bagels, and muffins. They had light butter as well. For lunch I usually ate at the pizza, burger places. Im not sure which ship you're going on but if it's 2.0 and you have the Blue Iguana Cantina I think they have healthy options but I never ate there. For dinner in the main dining room they have a caesar salad every night and on the 'today' menu they often had another type of salad. They even had light desserts that people raved about. Hre you can find your ship and look at the menus they have.


    Stay on track, but PLEASE treat yourself and indulge sometimes as they have really good food. And please try the warm chocolate melting cake at least once. You are on vacation so enjoy it! And have FUN!
  • Michelle_Nicole
    Michelle_Nicole Posts: 95 Member
    Cruises do offer a lot of really good food and it is normally all included. Just remember to portion yourself, don't have the mentality of I'm on vacation I can eat anything and you will be fine! They should also have a nice gym on board that you can stop in for a half hour to an hour to keep up with your routine. You will be walking around so much and being active that you should be fine!
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Eat whatever and whenever you want, but keep in mind your body has been used to good, healthy food and might rebel:-)

    I went on a 7-day cruise in April and gained 2.2 pounds--came off in a week after getting back into my healthy lifestyle.

    One thing that helped me jump right back into healthy eating and exercise once I hit dry land was that I signed up for a 5K Mud Run scheduled for 2 weeks after the cruise. It kept me from continuing the 'cruise food mentality' when I returned.

    Enjoy your trip--MFP will still be here when you return.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I generally lose weight on vacation because I eat at odd intervals and walk a lot, but I have never been on a cruise. From what people say, you eat all the time! LOL. So good luck.

    I would try to stick with stuff like fish and veggies and fruit most of the time, but splurge every now and then, or maybe save those splurges for off ship. I rarely eat ice cream normally but on vacation during the summer I always like to buy some. Enjoy your vacation!
  • soxx226
    soxx226 Posts: 89 Member
    It's a cruise, live it up and eat what you want. It's all about relaxing and taking time off from normal everyday life. It's only 5 days, 5 days can't undo what progress you have done, then come back into your routine. At least this is my plan when I take my 7 day cruise over Christmas this year.
  • jjenks3
    jjenks3 Posts: 45
    I say do what you want :) It's a cruise. The whole point of taking a vacation is to relax, and it's hard to do that when you are worry about calorie minutia. Give yourself a week off as a reward for being faithful to your routine, and enjoy yourself.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Cocktail Shrimp!

    Enjoy yourself, but don't go crazy. If it were me at a buffet, I would get tiny portions of several different dishes. If someone said that something was amazing, I'd try it. New dish I've never had before? I'd try it. If it's on my plate but it doesn't taste amazing, I wouldn't eat it. Be picky and save your calories for the stuff that makes you go DAYUM! After all, it is a vacation. :happy:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Hello MFP peeps! I've had a great 6 months on MFP and have been very successful eating my normal foods on my routine and logging in everyday. I am going on a 5 day Carnival Cruise in July and I am feeling super nervous about not being able to log in and not knowing what to eat on the ship. Does anyone cruise frequently? Any suggestions on what I should stick to eating? Any suggestions on what is really good, but healthy? Thanks guys!
    Carnival? I'd be more concerned with completing the cruise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh:

    Hope that's not the case, but it's a week and if you're just aware that eating the junk food and desserts are WAY higher in calories, just stick to eating more "whole" foods. DON'T fill your plate a common mistake like at buffets. And hit up exercise daily to help control calories.

    I've went on 3 Disney cruises and worked out every day (6 am) then enjoyed myself. I gained maybe 3lbs each time, but once I was back on my routine, they were gone in a week.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition