Protein Waffle

lewandt Posts: 566
I see some other waffles and pancakes out there so i thought i would share one i just tried. It is Chris Powell's Protein Waffle.
1/2 cup cottage cheese
2 eggs
1/2 cup water
2 tsp olive oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/3 cup oatmeal
1 tsp baking powder

Put oatmeal and baking powder in food processor or blender and process until powdered.

In a food processor blend cottage cheese, eggs, water, vanilla and olive oil until smooth.

Mix dry and wet ingredients to form a batter.

Mixture may thicken as it stands and it may be necessary to add more water (TBSP at a time) to get a smooth, not lumpy consistency.

Cook in a waffle iron according to the iron's specifications

Nutritional Data: 313 calories (although i got 273 when i entered in My Fitness Pal recipe guide, it may be the difference in the kind of cottage cheese used), 18 g protein, 29 g carbs, 4 g fiber, 2.5 g sugar, 13.4 fat.

I made these this morning and they are good. I just put a little syrup over them but would be much better with fruit i think. Also, next time i may process a bit of a banana with the cottage cheese mix. Yum!

I forgot to give credit to the site i found it on. It was on ABC GMA Food & Recipes courtesy Chris Powell
