Help please!!!

driscollmc Posts: 85
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been on MFP for about 2 weeks now, and I should be losing weight, right? WRONG! I've been under my calories (in a healthy way) every day, exercising daily (except maybe one day) and I've lost about 1 pound. I'm 19, so I should be able to lose weight a lot quicker. Does anyone have any recommendations?? I'm starting to lose faith here and its getting to the point where I feel like giving up.


  • nbingham
    nbingham Posts: 102 Member
    Don't give up!!! If you're eating right and exercising you might just be replacing fat with muscle. Muscle weighs more but takes up less space. Try measuring yourself today and then again a week from now. Even if your weight isn't changing much you might be losing inches! :smile:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    If you make your food diary public we might be able to give you some advice.
  • Hi There! What has your diet consisted of? How are you exercising, 1-2 lbs a week is very healthy. I do P90X, just finished my first week and I love it, I cut my calories down and I try and eat my exercise calories too , but sometimes that does not always happen...I have 40 lbs to lose maybe more depending on where I am when I reach my goal and if I am happy with the way I look. How about making your diary public so you can get more of a good opinion on what you are eating. Just a suggestion
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    I did the same thing, for the first three or four weeks I did not loose ONE pound... I was very disappointed and frustrated, but I could feel a difference in my body. I didn't do any measurements, but I noticed everything was toning up. So you may just be gaining muscle right now. I've started tracking EVERYTHING I eat, and I've finally lost some weight!! Good luck....STICK WITH IT AND DON'T GIVE UP!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    Consistency and patience are your friends here. See where you are in two months, not two weeks. I lost only one pound my first two weeks too. If I'd given up, I wouldn't be 32 pounds lighter a year later, but I didn't, and I am.
  • I just kind of looked through the diary myself and maybe I'm not eating enough fruits and's just so frustrating because my mom really wants me to do this, but I've got friends who say I look great and don't need to lose anything. It's just so hard because I almost wish my friends would just say "If this is what you want to do, we'll support it" as opposed to "Why are you doing this, you don't need to lose weight". Its just very disheartening.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I was looking at your diary and I think you need to increase your calories. Also a lot of processed foods are high in sodium so you could be retaining fluids. Try increasing your calories by at least 250 to 300 and see if that works better for you.
  • iamdesiderata
    iamdesiderata Posts: 95 Member
    Alright, keep in mind that when losing weight the "healthy" way, it will take a heck of a lot longer than if, say, you were to start one of those liquid diets or detox things, where you only eat a lettuce leaf and some weird packaged formula everyday.

    but if you want instant results, (two weeks is HARDLY long enough to actually SEE results), then the crazy fad diet is the one that you want. But DON'T get me wrong! Every pound you lose when starting a drastic diet, you WILL gain it all back and then some. It's your metabolism we're talking about here. And it's gonna take some work to get to where you want to be. If that means counting calories, exercising regularly, and mindfully staying under your calorie goal, then it's going to take a lot longer than 2 weeks, but it will be WORTH it, because the changes you will see will be long term.

    I keep telling people that within two weeks of a healthy lifestyle change, like the one we all should be doing, you will start to FEEL results; better sleep, more energy, less stress...about 3 weeks to a month in you will start to SEE results; clothes fit better, muscles are more defined, numbers on the scale are decreasing...

    But this takes time! Unfortunately, in a day and age where everything and everyone can promise results with the snap of their fingers, people come to expect that instant gratification should apply to everything. And that's where people can hurt themselves.

    Do not give up, give your body some time, and let it be the healthiest it can be. And remember, long term results feel much better than short term results do.
    Hang in there love!!
  • JTink
    JTink Posts: 1
    You might want to take a look at what you were eating before you starting using this program. Maybe the calorie count that it is allowing you isn't low enough cpmpares to what your intake was before. Don't give up...I have found that this program really does work!
  • biscotti09
    biscotti09 Posts: 1 Member
    dont worry about the scale so much . muscle weighs more then fat. if u have been weight lifting, u will be adding muscle which will add to you body contour(cloths may be looser). make sure you are drinking plenty of water and try eating every 2 to 3 hours. small meals(up to 6th aday). your metabolism will not have time to slow down which will help you burn calories consistently. i have been interning at a gym this summer working with a trainer because i want to become a certified trainer, i have lost 12 lbs in 6 weeks eating this way (i'm 22 so i have enjoyed my summer if you know what i mean :) ) and have still had consistent weight loss. i been have doing lots of intense cardio bout 3 days a week, while incorporating yoga and body toning exercise withought using a weight over 5 to 10 lbs. keep it up girl!! its not easy but stick to it and you can do it!!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    I just kind of looked through the diary myself and maybe I'm not eating enough fruits and's just so frustrating because my mom really wants me to do this, but I've got friends who say I look great and don't need to lose anything. It's just so hard because I almost wish my friends would just say "If this is what you want to do, we'll support it" as opposed to "Why are you doing this, you don't need to lose weight". Its just very disheartening.
    You'll never EVER be able to control what your friends and family think and say, but you absolutely DO have the ability to decide if you're going to give them the power or keep it for yourself. I vote that you keep it for yourself and not let others' opinions influence you so much. It's good to listen to what people say and consider whether it has any merit, but once you've weighed it carefully, it's up to you to make the decisions that are best for you. This is true for life in general, not just weight loss.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    You might want to measure yourself along with weighing in. You might be losing inches. Also drink plenty of water. Another point might be that you are not eating enough. Try not to go under your calories. There is a minimum you need to eat. Your picture looks like you are already thin. When you have less to lose you don't lose those big amounts at first like some people, One pound is great. Doctors say you should only lose one to two pounds a week to keep the weight off and be healthy. Hope this helps. Good Luck
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    I agree with what everyone is saying except for the mucle/fat thing. Whilst muscle DOES weigh more than fat, it would take a heck of a lot more time to build up noticeable muscle than two weeks. Just to build one pound of muscle would take weeks of exercising.

    Take your time. Eat well and exercise. x
  • Yeah, I guess that makes sense. The picture does make me look skinny, but I'm around 180 right now, and I should be about 140 in order to be a healthy size for my height. I carry it all around the middle. Thanks for the advice :-)
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Sometimes friends are right. Have you checked what your weight should be? Not always is super skinny the way to go.
  • Sometimes if you are not over-weight to start with, it takes your body alot longer to try to shed pounds. I am in the same situation right now, Monday will be my second week, the first week I did drop a few pounds and this week only about pound. Just keep up the healthy eating, and watch the inches you maybe losing
  • ysaidpie
    ysaidpie Posts: 83
    It doesn't look like you are eating enough, to me. Being under your calorie goal isn't always a good thing- most sources say it isn't healthy to eat less than 1200 calories a day. If I don't eat enough, I don't lose weight. I think that is why I always struggled to lose weight in the past- because I'd count calories and wouldn't eat 1200, and go into "starvation mode". Or I would lose 5 pounds but the minute I ate a decent amount of food (say 1200-1300 in a day), I would gain all the weight back!! It was frustrating, because I thought I'd never be able to eat "normal" because I thought I just had a cursed metabolism. Now I am eating the 1200 I am allotted and I eat back my calories burned through exercise, and I have been able to lose weight. Plus I feel healthier and more energetic than the days I used to consume 600-800 calories a day!! Also, you mention that you are a college student- the brain uses more energy than any other organ in your body! You need to fuel it!! Try eating the calories you are allowed for a few weeks and I think you will see a drastic change. It may not happen in a week (your body has to get used to having food coming in and realize it's not starving) but once it realizes this and your metabolism picks up the pace, you will feel a lot better and be losing the weight you want to.
  • One thing I noticed when I viewed your diary is you are eating alot of processed foods and not near enough veggies and not enough calories. there were a few days where you only ate around 1000 calories and a body can not sustain itself on that low of calories well. I am willing to bet your energy level is low. I also noticed you eat out alot ( Trader Joe's?) try cooking at home or pre making meals and then popping them in the microwave if you are limited in time. My husband and I started eating alot of Squash and Zucchinni grilled, it takes like 10 mins tops and its very good for you, sometimes we mix it with chicken or steak strips for like a small stir fry. Drink water and eat the calories that are in you daily calories to eat, trust me I did what you did and GAINED weight! until I learned. I also added whole wheat bread to my diet and more fruit, plums is a good one. Hope this helps
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    It doesn't look like you are eating enough, to me. Being under your calorie goal isn't always a good thing- most sources say it isn't healthy to eat less than 1200 calories a day. If I don't eat enough, I don't lose weight. I think that is why I always struggled to lose weight in the past- because I'd count calories and wouldn't eat 1200, and go into "starvation mode". Or I would lose 5 pounds but the minute I ate a decent amount of food (say 1200-1300 in a day), I would gain all the weight back!! It was frustrating, because I thought I'd never be able to eat "normal" because I thought I just had a cursed metabolism. Now I am eating the 1200 I am allotted and I eat back my calories burned through exercise, and I have been able to lose weight. Plus I feel healthier and more energetic than the days I used to consume 600-800 calories a day!! Also, you mention that you are a college student- the brain uses more energy than any other organ in your body! You need to fuel it!! Try eating the calories you are allowed for a few weeks and I think you will see a drastic change. It may not happen in a week (your body has to get used to having food coming in and realize it's not starving) but once it realizes this and your metabolism picks up the pace, you will feel a lot better and be losing the weight you want to.

    You are not eating nor drinking enough.. therefore, your body is going the opposite way by trying to conserve whatever it has thinking is is starving.. You are slowing your metabolism too,
    try meeting your caloric intake, add protein, fiber, water..
    To your health
  • Also veggies like broccoli, cabbage things like that burns more calories to digest that food than your putting in your body, so if you load up on that good stuff your working it off without even doing anything.
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