over 100lb to loose

Hi I am 35yr old, 5"2 and weigh 131lbs and need to get to 126lb for a healthy BMI. I have been told I have BED (Binge Eating Disorder) and like a lot of people can struggle with it. I had a kick up the *kitten* moment at the weekend and I am really going to work hard this weight down. I've set a goal of 10lb a month. I read a great book called 'Confessions of a Reformed Dieter' and it's really motivated me to do this. I know I will have good days and bad but if I stick at it I will get healthier :-)

I would love to make to new friends who have been or are still in a similar situation to give and receive support through our journey.


  • serioustuff
    Hiya. At the mo I am 253lbs I have just had a baby. Wel shes 8 weeks old now. Was overweight before I got pregnant but was loosing weight well. I gained nearly 5 stone throughout my pregnancy on top of being over weight, so I have a looooong way to go. I have lost 11lb this last month. Have come to a bit of a stand still but have made a few changes so hopefully that will work. Feel free to add me and we'll egg eachother on. Look forward to seeing your journey :) and Welcome. MFP is awesome. xxx
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi I am 35yr old, 5"2 and weigh 131lbs and need to get to 126lb for a healthy BMI. I have been told I have BED (Binge Eating Disorder) and like a lot of people can struggle with it. I had a kick up the *kitten* moment at the weekend and I am really going to work hard this weight down. I've set a goal of 10lb a month. I read a great book called 'Confessions of a Reformed Dieter' and it's really motivated me to do this. I know I will have good days and bad but if I stick at it I will get healthier :-)

    I would love to make to new friends who have been or are still in a similar situation to give and receive support through our journey.

    Darlin, did you mean 231?

    I started my journey at 313. I'm down to 250. I actually got down to 236 in April, then started falling back into my bad habits. You live and learn, right? :) I've decided Pepsi, no matter how delicious, isn't as good as I want it to be. :)
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    <3 you can do it!
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member
    Hiya. At the mo I am 253lbs I have just had a baby. Wel shes 8 weeks old now. Was overweight before I got pregnant but was loosing weight well. I gained nearly 5 stone throughout my pregnancy on top of being over weight, so I have a looooong way to go. I have lost 11lb this last month. Have come to a bit of a stand still but have made a few changes so hopefully that will work. Feel free to add me and we'll egg eachother on. Look forward to seeing your journey :) and Welcome. MFP is awesome. xxx

    Ahhh! Babies are so cute. :)
  • Pollyday
    Pollyday Posts: 1
    Hi...I've just weighed in for first time today at 253lb. This is my heaviest and I've been a yo-yo dieter for years, losing weight several times and each time gaining back even more. I now realise I need to change some very bad habits in order to literally stay alive for longer! I managed to lose the most weight ever after my first pregnancy in 1999, it dropped off, but I gained it back on during my second pregnancy less than a year later. Again I lost quickly, but gained back. Then I shifted 25lb in a sponsored effort several years later. Since then I have gained a whopping 7stone since 2006 just through really bad eating habits and emotional eating. It's impacting my life dreadfully, and effecting my health. I hid the scales because I couldn't face them, but this morning had the courage to climb on. I'm determined this time to do it, even if it's slowly. I'm just going to keep telling myself I've been a long time fat, it doesn't matter if I don't lose it quickly as long as I do lose something every week and keep going in the right direction!

    I'm lucky, my life is good, a wonderful husband, 2 great kids, part-time job I love, good friends. I just turn to food when I get stressed!
  • RomonaALewis
    hey for you. Hope you continue to lose more. My highest weight was 317 and I am now down to 252 after having gastric bypass. I have been on so many diets in my life that after the fifth one I said screw it. Then my pain therapist sent me a doctor who worked with me and a year later I am almost 70lbs lighter. It has helped with my back problems and neck. God bless you and keep you safe.
  • April_Girl83
    Feel free to add me! My start weight was 262 and i'm currently 253lbs from changing my eating habits and adding in a little exercise. Its not easy but im enjoying learning about myself, my body and the positive changes I can make!

    Ive got a LONG way to go but im taking it 10lb at a time!

    You can do this xxxxx
  • LukeClapham84
    LukeClapham84 Posts: 14 Member
    Best of luck with your weight loss, you can do it.
  • big2sma11
    big2sma11 Posts: 10
    Thanks everone xx I've sent friends requests to you all and hope we can get through our journey together. thank you Ladybuggprincess your right it should say 231lbs xx On day 5 and I'm still very positive. Onwards and downwards as they say

    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • airforcewife1007
    airforcewife1007 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 22, and at 290 lbs. I've been using MFP on and off for about 6 months, but I've found that it is an awesome tool, and I've been doing better with using it. I'm trying to get to anywhere between 130-160...just wherever I feel like I'm happy with my lifestyle (since that's what it's ultimately about for me). Also a mom...I have a 2 year old boy running around! Feel free to add me :)
  • GimmieDatSalad
    I have BED too, and this is the first time I've ever managed to stick to eating properly for more than 12hours. I know you'll do really well here, I'll add you :)