Lap Band port pain

I had the lap band done in September 2008. With only one fill I lost 104 lbs the 1st year. The doctor said there would be no problem for me to get pregnant with my 3rd child. During my pregnancy I did not adjust the fluid in my band however I was able to gain 30 lbs. I continuously had problems with pain at my port site but was told that the baby was probably pushing on it. To this day I still have some pain when I eat at the port site and the doctor cannot pin point what it could be from. We have done an upper GI, all types of lab work, and no signs of a hernia. Does anyone have this problem? Or know of anyone that has this type of pain?


  • Rebretta
    Rebretta Posts: 2 Member
    I had my band done in Nov 2010 and was pregnant in May 2011. I had a drop or two taken out during my pregnany and gained very litte weight. The area around my port hurts sometimes as well. I've noticed that wearing a belt with a buckle contributes to the discomfort or maybe snug pants. I'm with you, I keep wondering if it's ever going away or normal.