I have lost motivation...



  • OwneyB
    OwneyB Posts: 7
    I was in your shoes about 4 days ago. I really wanted to change but I was so upset with myself for having to start all over. I to had loved working out and was very conscious about what I fueled my body with, and then I just gave up (due to life happening). I struggled forever trying to get back on the wagon and failing each time. My problem was that I knew what I use to be able to do physically and I was so disgusted that I had to start over that I would give up before I even really gave it a chance. I didn't want to do all that hard work over again. BUT... One day I just kicked myself in the butt! I gave myself a very much needed lecture (in my head not out loud), it went something like this.

    " YOU are the one who let this happen to you and it didn't happen overnight. So why do you think it's going to be fixed overnight? It's not! You have to let go of the past and just focus on the future! You have the tools and the knowledge to succeed. SO get up and succeed!"

    After that nice little self lecture I went to you tube and watched a bunch of weight loss success stories and beach-body success stories (this is what I do for motivation). After about an hour I got up put a workout video in and pushed play and I felt good, so good in fact, that I followed it up with another workout video! And I have been pushing play everyday since. I know 5 days doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's a start, it's my start and I feel amazing! The best I've felt in a long time.

    The point I was trying to convey is, YOU are the only one standing in your way! You have to just let go of whatever it is that keeps holding you back and push play, go to the gym, or whatever it is that you like to do. I wish you luck!
  • jillyber
    jillyber Posts: 19 Member
    Do you have anyone who can act as a coach? My sister is my coach. I have given her access to MFP food journal and we've come up with a exercise regiment I can do. Sometimes it helps to have someone in your corner - almost like a sponser. I wish you all the best.
  • eclair82
    eclair82 Posts: 5 Member
    Maybe plan easy exercise goals? I've struggled with motivation issues too, and what got me back into working out was using a pedometer. It's easy to track progress, and it's low intensity.

    Hope you're feeling better :smile:
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Yes I am being treated for it it must not be working.

    If it's by prescription maybe you need to try a different one? They are all so different and sometimes you have to be almost like a guinea pig or goldilocks until you find the right one. You have to give each about 2-3 weeks to see if there's any help. Except if all it does is make you want to sleep...Then try a different one immediately.