noodle diet.

lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
I've been reading up online about people trying out a noodle diet. the dried food packets instant noodle types.

has anyone ever tried this would be interested to find out about the results.

from what iv read you should only do this 2 weeks at a time because there is a high carb intake in them

eat them 2 times a day along with eating a normal dinner not a massive portion.

iv also heard of a tomato soup diet anyone tried this also?


  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Here's a concept:wink: Eating healthy identifiable food and working out, that's working wonders for zillions of ppl on MFP thus far. If I eat noodles it's whole wheat pasta tossed with a tad of EVOO and some fresh veggies.

    Magic/Miracle noodles? What the magic? Except someone making $$$ on ppl buying them on the web. There is no MAGIC in losing weight and keeping it off in a healthy way. It's simply hard work, healthy choices and regular excercise:drinker: :wink:

    It really DOES work!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Sounds boring, if you want my honest opinion. I wouldn't waste my time on it, and I recommend you don't either because you don't lose weight and keep it off by implementing these short term "fad diets". They might get you to the weight you want to be quickly, but it does nothing to instill healthy eating for the long term so you'll just end up yo-yo dieting. I didn't lose weight using "fad diets" like the noodle diet. Instead I ate what I wanted by controlling my portion size as well as using better quality ingredients (lean meats, more veggies and fruits, organic and less processed). That way I could make sure I could maintain my way of eating as well as my weight long after I reached my weight loss goal. Hope this helps!
  • obifatkanobi
    Why not noodles? There's every other type of diet out there. It's kind of funny how over the years so many diets come and go, but the one that remains constant and unchanged is the plan in use here, take in less calories by eating wholesome, nutritional foods, and exercise in any way that you can.

    I haven't always eaten right, that's why I'm here. So, no offense given to anyone who tries these fads, but the truth is, it's not just about being fat, it's about being healthy. Good, nutritional foods are as essential to good physical health as good, honest, and understandable doctrines are essential for good spiritual health. Now, add in some exercise for both the physical and the spiritual and you got it. Body, mind, and spirit.
  • PJRiner
    PJRiner Posts: 58
    Full of MSG which is unhealthy.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    What everyone else said. This website is filled with people who have seen the light, that nothing will work long term except good old fashion eating right and exercise. Limiting yourself to just noodles for two weeks (or for one meal, whatever the rules are) is not going to do anything except make you hate noodles after so long.

    I see it every couple weeks, someone posts about a new fad diet, and gets the same responses every time, don't do it. You'll get much better results, and be a much happier person (I'd be grouchy just eating noodles :laugh: ), if you just stick to the tried and true plan that many of us here have.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Lol, does anyone else now have the ad for these miracle noodles on their side bar? :laugh:

    Zero calories noodles? What are they, cardboard? This cannot possible be food.
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    iv not seen the ad for the noodles lol.

    i did think about doing these sorta diets in the past but i wanna lose the weight for the long term so iv had a healthy size sunday roast for dinner today and just finished doing 40 mins of exercise lol :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    iv not seen the ad for the noodles lol.

    i did think about doing these sorta diets in the past but i wanna lose the weight for the long term so iv had a healthy size sunday roast for dinner today and just finished doing 40 mins of exercise lol :)
    Good for you!:wink::drinker: Roast beats out cardboard noodles anyday in my book:sick: :laugh:
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    yeah definately i mean i would have a packet of noodles now an again if im peckish but not all the time.

    also bumped my excercise up another 20 mins im now pooped haha :smile: