Alternatives to soda?



  • sasu27
    sasu27 Posts: 51
    I am trying to give up Diet Mountain Dew because I think it is affecting my anxiety. Since I am also trying to avoid the fake sweeteners, I can't drink flavored water like I used to, so I just ordered some fruity teas from Republic of Tea that are supposed to taste really good as ice tea. If you like tea, that might be something to try.

    A couple that I ordered:

    There tea is amazing, and worth the price. I like the Be Well teas as well as the chocolate teas.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Seltzer or water with a slice of one or a combo of the following: lemon, lime, orange, mango, strawberry, cucumber, watermelon, pineapple, mint leaf, etc. (for stronger flavor, soak them in your water overnight for the next day)
    Tea (there are so many different flavors and varieties)
    CALABRESE3 Posts: 86 Member
    I like either Mio and water or soda stream soda flavors mixed in seltzer water...they really take care of my coke cravings...with little to no calories:)
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    Try flavored water -- adding propel zero to your water bottle, or crystal light, or vitamin water zero. You could also try tea (hot or cold) with truvia or stevia in it.

    Not sure how much soda you drink, but maybe try to cut back by one soda a day, each week cutting back a little more. Or maybe try going one day a week without soda, slowly increasing the number of days you don't drink soda -- although if you do that, make sure you don't increase how many sodas you're drinking the other days.
  • melshearin
    melshearin Posts: 1 Member
    whatever you do don't quit cold turkey- you'll have the worst headaches of your life! slowly step away, I use Iced Tea for the caffeine and on the days i find that I miss soda so much I need one, I have one- eventually you wont crave it.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    I have cut way back on Diet Coke because I know I'm someone who reacts to the artificial sweeteners with a ravenous attack of the munchies.

    I like "fizzy water." Not all grocery stores carry flavored carbonated waters without any artificial sweeteners (commonly aspertame) but some do. Trader Joe's has a great version. If you are in the southeastern US, Syfo waters are carried in Publix and Wynn-Dixie. La Croix is another brand without the artificial sweeteners and some Piggly-Wiggly stores carry it.

    Unflavored sparkling or carbonated waters are easier to find and you could just add a lemon slice or the like to them.

    Just read the ingredients labels carefully. If it has more than "carbonated water" and "natural flavors," its likely to be loaded with artificial sweeteners.
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    I confess I have a pretty bad addiction to diet coke. I drink a LOT of it. Every day. I'm trying to quit or at least dramatically lower my intake of it. But I can't drink just water and nothing else all the time, so what are your favourite alternatives? Currently I have a cup of green tea with lemon, but I'd like a bit of variety too. :)

    Yeah my bf loves diet coke and just recently is trying to kick the habit...he doesn't like green tea (very good) so sometimes he will have iced coffee or drink some of the juices that are a lighter version. I used to drink regular coke all the time and started drinking water instead and after a few weeks of headaches my craving disappeared and now when I take a sip of his coke it tastes really syrupy:) Good luck to you!
  • Yeah, why is it exactly that you want to cut down on diet Coke?

    If it's because of the caffeine content (which is the reason why I try not to drink too much of the stuff), there are ALOT of diet sodas that are Caffeine-Free such as the diet A&W rootbeer! :-) Just look at the labels!

    If it's just because of the fact that it's soda and has a "fizzy" quality that you're trying to cut down on, I would try Nestea Zero or Powerade Zero - both of which are amazing! There's also Mio that you can use in your water and I love that stuff!!

    If it's because of the sodium levels, I think your best bet is to switch to herbal teas (there are SO many flavors out there to choose from like Apple Cinnamon, Green, Blueberry Acai, Strawberry Pomegranate, Chai, Lemon Ginger etc. etc.) Another idea would be to make a huge pitcher of water with some fruit on the inside to naturally flavor it (you could try blueberries, strawberries or whatever your preference is)

    Other ideas: Talking Rain sparkling flavored waters are delicious (Black Raspberry is my fave), you could also try Unsweetened Almond Milk at only 30cals for a cup, cocoa made with cocoa powder & splenda, or have some black coffee (assuming that caffeine isn't the issue at hand)

    If all else fails, have a good old glass of water!

    Hope this helped! xx
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    I have found that my addiction to soda water comes from loving the bubbles, too. I've lately worked myself into a routine of soda water with slices of lemon and lime. Tastes just like soda, fizz and all. No artificial flavours, no artificial sweeteners, no massive salt intake.

    Warning: You have to look at soda water labels. Some of them come with a LOT of sodium per serving.
  • I drink fruit infused waters. LOVE! You put them in your water and it flavors the water naturally. No artificial sweeteners, zero calorie, and it's delish!

    I like:
    Strawberry and lemon
    mint, lemon, cucumber
    mango and ginger
    strawberry and mint

    Usually frozen fruit works better, it holds its form longer and the flavor is stronger in the beginning. I have an infuser water bottle that I love, love, love!
  • rmchapman4
    rmchapman4 Posts: 152 Member
    Water - water with lemon, water with lime, water with cucumbers and mint, water, water and more water. You'll for get about soda in about 2-3 months.

    I concur!
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    Years ago, after realizing I was drinking an entire pitcher of Crystal Light a day (eek!), I started to dilute it down- pour half a glass of iced tea or lemonade and half a glass of water. I still do that and I find it very satisfying- these days I do a 1:3 ratio of drink to water, and sometimes even less. A squirt of lime or lemon juice in plain water is also good. And don't discount getting a filtered water pitcher- my Brita makes water taste delicious, and it's cold and easy to drink since I keep it in the fridge. It was definitely worth the small outlay of money.

    If you like the fizziness, seltzer or soda water, like many others are suggesting, may also be a great way to go!
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    I stopped drinking soda about a month ago. I was drinking up to two liters per day, and that's when I realized I needed to quit. Now, I drink sparkling water, vitamin water, v8, etc.
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    My newest favorite is a can of La Croix with a couple splashes of liquid crystal lite. My current fave Peach & Pear la Croix with Mango passionfruit crystal lite!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Carbonated water...either straight up or add a squeeze of lemon or lime. I still have soda though...but instead of 2 or 3 per day I have maybe 2 or 3 per week and just fit in in my calorie goals. The bubbly water is nice when I want something that's not just plain, flat water.
  • Why are you looking to give up zero-calorie soda?
    Because it's still not the best thing to drink, and is expensive to buy a lot of it.
    If the money's the prime factor, water/soda water is pretty much your default option. Just be aware that bottled water or soda water often has added sodium and/or other "stabilizers" and is often not a substantial savings over store-brand diet soda.

    Diet sweet tea is fundamentally the same thing as diet soda

    What additives, in particular, are you concerned with?
    The tea I have right now is just green tea with a tiny bit of lemon juice It's not sweetened. And I've never bought bottled water because there's no point when tap water is just fine.
    I'm just trying to be healthier in general and less chemical sweeteners. Caffeine too, since I do find it keeps me awake at night if I drink it later in the day.

    In response to a lot of people - is pop different in the US? Because I've never drank any that seemed to have more than tiny amounts of sodium in it.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Any other liquid of which you enjoy the taste.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I pretty much only drink water and coffee, but I've tried something new recently that I like for a little change. I add a little of the coconut water with pineapple juice to my regular water. Very refreshing!
  • vettecat
    vettecat Posts: 12
    I drink 1/2 cup coffee when I get up, a diet coke when I get to work and water the rest of the day.
    I tried to give up diet coke but that's like quitting smoking. I mastered that 15 years ago but diet
    coke is soooo good.
  • Shoegal165
    Shoegal165 Posts: 5 Member
    Steaz unsweetened iced green tea with lemon. I buy it at Whole Foods :