NEED HELP! Need to loose 120 lbs, have no support...



  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    feel free to add me if you want support is important. I started MFP in july 2010 and have lost 114lbs since . I cook healthy meals for everyone, my kids and husband get bigger portions sometimes they get dinner rolls which I dont always eat . when i make baked sweet potatoes i make regular baked potatoes for the kids they dont like sweet potatoes, As for snacks I buy the kids snacks that do not tempt me, ex I dont like mint so mint chocolate chip cookies do not tempt me, I also dont like cheese puffs. So they still get snacks that they like.
    When I started 100 plus lbs seemed impossible so I just concentrated on 10 lbs at a time and

    for every 10 lbs I bought myself a new pair of earrings, You can do it, just stick with it and dont give up!
    Sheri, You have done so well, and you inspire many of us!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    If you can't cook separate meals, you can lose weight by controlling how much you have of the meal. If you're calorie counting you can enter all the ingredients in the recipe section here, then either weigh (most accurate) or eyeball a portion. For instance, if you made a meal for you and your husband, you could have 1/3 portion while he has 2/3 portion, rather than having 1/2 each. You do get used to dividing it up like this, and seeing what it should look like on your plate. If you were having something like chicken breasts with veg and potatoes, you might want to have a full portion of chicken, but then have more of the veg and less of the potatoes.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Welcome to MFP you now have the means to make a support system for yourself. I have very little support outside of here. My husband is a total junk food, meat and potatoes kind of guy.

    I wasn't going to cook 2 meals for us cause I'm not a short order cook, you eat what I make or you make your own. But I do know what he likes, and I can modify recipes to make them healthier for me, give myself a smaller portion while giving my husband a healthier meal and larger portion. He loves instant mashed potatoes so I found single serving microwave ones, when he wants potatoes he has those and there isn't any to tempt me. You can make small changes in your cooking and what you buy at the grocery store to satisfy everyone's wants and needs.

    Break your weight loss up into 10-20 pound mini goals, when I started my ultimate goal was 130 - 140 lbs away, well that number scared the hell out of me, so instead of focusing on that number I decided 20 lbs was a great target, plus I set up goals from my fitness and my nutrition. I started biking I could do 5 minutes a day and thought I might die doing that. Well for a few days I just did that, then I did another set of 5 minutes, then wait now I can go 7 minutes without dying, etc. Now I can bike 30 miles and I'm still alive. Push yourself a little bit more each time.

    Sorry I kind of rambled on here, but wanted you to know it is possible and you CAN do this, and there is a lot of support on here.