Men's opinion on short hair



  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    What do you think? What about your boyfriend or SO? Those are the only opinions that matter.

    My wife has had short hair, long hair, and been bald from chemo. She's hot all three ways and she wears her hair to please herself and to allow her to play with her look. I love her and have the hots for her regardless.

    Do you have a single brother?

    I'm wondering too!

    LoL! Sorry, ladies, he's married! Only one brother and five girls in our family...he and I look a LOT alike...I've been told I'm the female version of him. :)

    I was asking Beachlron...but I bet your sister-in-law is happy for all you girls teaching him to deal with woman stuff lol
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member

    IMHO, you would look absolutely stunning in a pixie cut. I think they're way underrated. Have fun. Seriously. That having fun, I'm going to play attitude is sexy. I get surprised regularly with new looks and Iove it. I'm not saying anything that will mess it up. He will learn.

    LoL-your wife is lucky (regarding your earlier post)

    I'm sure my hubby would still be attracted to me...but I do care what his opinion is and what he likes/prefers...

    On the other hand I did rock the pixie. I even did a faux-hawk at one point
  • CAME1
    CAME1 Posts: 21 Member
    Go with the short, I recently cut my hair, it was about the same length as yours and my hubby didn't want me to do it either, but I get tired of the long hair and I don't like looking the same for long periods of time, but that's just me... and as someone said here, if he loves you, he'll love you in every hair style!!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    What do you think? What about your boyfriend or SO? Those are the only opinions that matter.

    My wife has had short hair, long hair, and been bald from chemo. She's hot all three ways and she wears her hair to please herself and to allow her to play with her look. I love her and have the hots for her regardless.

    Do you have a single brother?

    I'm wondering too!

    LoL! Sorry, ladies, he's married! Only one brother and five girls in our family...he and I look a LOT alike...I've been told I'm the female version of him. :)

    I was asking Beachlron...but I bet your sister-in-law is happy for all you girls teaching him to deal with woman stuff lol

    HAHAHAHA! Is my face red...yeah...nevermind...I'll go crawl under my desk now.
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    its ok, but please no pixie cuts
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    I like some girls with long hair
    I like some girls with short hair
    I like some girls with long legs
    I like some girls with short legs

    I like all girls that are naked in my bed though...
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    I'm always happier when I hack mine off. If you regret it, it grows back. All the good men love a woman because she does what makes her happy. Happy looks fabulous on everyone.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I'm always happier when I hack mine off. If you regret it, it grows back. All the good men love a woman because she does what makes her happy. Happy looks fabulous on everyone.

    What a fantastic way to look at it... :) Plus then, I could ALWAYS wear earrings which I love...if I want to wear them with long hair, I have to put my hair up.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    I enjoy having short hair. And never really gave much thought about what the opposite sex thinks about it. I do find it insanely easy to maintain and manipulate to get different looks. Maybe try an asymmetrical pixie?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    My husband prefers my hair about chin length. I went with a pixie last fall. He wasn't a fan. But oddly enough he still loved me and had sex with me.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    Ok, you're my pal and you're smart and awesome. So WHY do you need the approval of the general public in order to cut your hair? I understand asking "do I have the face for a pixie cut?" but asking "men's opinions on short hair" in general is going to get you just that- a bunch of opinions.

    Are you trying to shore yourself up against your hubby's potential disappointment? I know what it feels like to have the person closest to you give unwelcome opinions about how they think you should look, and it's a battle to hold your own. Tell him to buy you a wig to wear in bed. :laugh:

    You obviously love your hair short, and feel great with it, so what you really need is to cultivate some more self-confidence.
    I agree with that "happy looks good on everyone." And you def have the face for a pixie cut. Rock it!!!
  • VeganCoco
    VeganCoco Posts: 104 Member
    Have you thought of having your bangs and the sides of your hair cut into the pixie crop that you want but leaving the back long? That way you can wear it up all day every day for a couple of weeks (like in a bun or something) and you'll soon realise if you could like it permanently, you might just realise you like having both options though and keep it that way! xxx
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Have you thought of having your bangs and the sides of your hair cut into the pixie crop that you want but leaving the back long? That way you can wear it up all day every day for a couple of weeks (like in a bun or something) and you'll soon realise if you could like it permanently, you might just realise you like having both options though and keep it that way! xxx

    Isn't that a mullet? :huh:
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    Have you thought of having your bangs and the sides of your hair cut into the pixie crop that you want but leaving the back long? That way you can wear it up all day every day for a couple of weeks (like in a bun or something) and you'll soon realise if you could like it permanently, you might just realise you like having both options though and keep it that way! xxx

    Isn't that a mullet? :huh:

    OMG. This happened to me in sixth grade. I was like "I want it short, but not really, so can you leave the back?" The horror.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    Have you thought of having your bangs and the sides of your hair cut into the pixie crop that you want but leaving the back long? That way you can wear it up all day every day for a couple of weeks (like in a bun or something) and you'll soon realise if you could like it permanently, you might just realise you like having both options though and keep it that way! xxx

    Isn't that a mullet? :huh:

    That is a mullet. That's what happens when pixies are neglected. No bueno.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    What do you think? What about your boyfriend or SO? Those are the only opinions that matter.

    My wife has had short hair, long hair, and been bald from chemo. She's hot all three ways and she wears her hair to please herself and to allow her to play with her look. I love her and have the hots for her regardless.
    This x 10000000
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    More often than not I prefer long hair on women, but the length of a woman's hair is not the measurement of a good woman.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    From experience with guys I have known throughout my life, most men prefer long, a few like it short but I never knew any.
    I cut my hair once really short pixie style back in highschool and the same day my boyfriend upon seeing me, broke up with me.
    I have never cut my hair past my shoulders again lol. If your guy doesn't care, then do what you like best.
  • karycharlebois
    Short hair can be so feminine. If you want to cut it then cut it. You are the one that has to wash it and style it and do what is going to make you happy. It's only hair, it will grow back. I cut mine short recently and I'm in love with the ease of care and the style. Being young and going short is so hot and chic right now anyways!
  • Southern_Belle_LA
    Southern_Belle_LA Posts: 931 Member
    Obviously from my pics I have very long hair! I figure when I get much older I will probably cut it off because I won't want to do it all the time. So I'm keeping it long while I can and while I have the energy and will to do it everyday! Having long hair makes me feel girly and young and those are things I'm not ready to part with yet!