too much sugar?

okay so im trying to lose a few pounds/get into shape. i seem to go over my sugar limit EVERY day :/ my 'daily goal' set by MFP is 27G of sugar a day. i've had a banana earlier, and that alone was 14G of sugar! yesterday i went over by 12, the day before that was 17, day before that, 20...well, you get the idea..i always go over!

so my question is, is it bad if you have too much sugar?

and right now i weigh 116, im trying to get down to around 110...i used to be a stick! 5'4", and 99lbs. then i got married..hahaha anyways...MFP suggests that i consume 1360 calories a day. is this good/bad? i set it to lose 0.5lbs a week. and that's with four 60 minute workouts a week.


  • shipleyak
    shipleyak Posts: 65 Member
    I don't pay much attention to sugar intake because I normally get it from fruits. The biggest worry would be refined sugars. If you get alot of that you might want to control it more.
  • hpymrzsimmons
    I was having the same concern. I noticed that every day I was going over my sugar limit. I was at 0 (I had a treat at Starbucks today) and I just ate some watermelon and that took it to -20. You're right that we should be really concerned about refined sugars. I will stop freaking out about natural sugars from fruits. Thanks for this!
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    here what I've heard, if you don't burn the sugar caloires off shortly after you eat them then your body converts them to fat and stores that fat, I don't know if it's true or not
    I also eat fruit and I try to eat all 10 servings before 2pm I stay away from refined sugars I'm to the point now that if I eat something that has refined sugar in it I start to feel sick, like yesterday I try to eat Applebee's ribletts and could not finsh before I started feeling sick.
  • DancingYogini
    I am having the same problem. I really want to detox off of all refined sugar, but it is soooo addicting. Dark chocolate is my weakness. I crave it after every meal, so I know I am addicted to it :sad: I think fruit is different, and there is such a thing as good sugar vs bad body just wants the bad kind!!!
  • jasonweinberg
    i'm no expert but if you are just trying to lose a few pounds sugars, whether they are natural or refined, certainly seem to slow weight loss. even if you are counting calories carefully, my understanding is that having sugars in your diet encourages your body to burn them instead of burning fat. from personal experience, i know that i had reached a plateau in weight loss that i ended by cutting my sugar intake (i too had been told natural sugars were okay and was eating quite a bit of fruit), and when i did the pounds started coming off more regularly and have been ever since. i get my vitamin c in my multivitamin and don't worry too much about whaever else fruit provides me with nutritionally. i get my fiber elsewhere.