Food Diaries

Hello everyone,

I gained a pound this week and I realise I went over by 17 calories one day but can people take a look at my food diary and tell me honestly what they think might be keeping this weight on and what is wrong within my daily diaries

Kindest Regards



  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    I don't think your diary is open to the public (there is no button).

    I noticed you have a previous post asking about eating your exercise calories. Did you go ahead and start doing this?

    Please post your Height, weight and age for more detailed help. =)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Your diary isn't open
  • Healthytobex2
    Thank you for replying, I am 5 foot 6, 188 pounds and 23 years old. I am trying to lose two pounds a week and have opened my diary up ready for scrutiny
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    You do realize that it takes an excess of 3500 calories to gain a pound of fat......

    If you went over by 17 calories one didn't actually gain weight.

    I'd bet it's 99% likely to be water weight from a) too much sodium/starting b) increasing a workout/activity or c) from having been dehydrated and then rehydrating yourself.

    I'd also add in normal fluctuations in 'weight' due to normal body cycles.
    (if you weigh yoursefl daily you get an idea of what normal fluctuations are and when not to be freaked out.)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I gained a pound this week and I realise I went over by 17 calories one day but can people take a look at my food diary and tell me honestly what they think might be keeping this weight on and what is wrong within my daily diaries

    Kindest Regards


    You don't gain 1 Lb of fat by going over 17 calories. Your calorie goal is already a huge deficit from have to go over maintenance by 3500 calories to gain one pound of fat...'cuz science.

    Weight loss isn't don't lose exactly X Lbs per's an average rate of loss over a much longer period of time. You will have weeks where you lose good, weeks with a little...weeks with nothing and weeks where you gain a little. Note that the gain is water...again, 'cuz science.

    On average, people can easily fluctuate 2-5 Lbs day to day due to food in/out, fluids in/out, water retention/release, waste, etc. Also make sure you're weighing yourself at the same time and under same conditions.
  • Healthytobex2
    Okay, those points have made me realise I've increased my exercise activity but i thought this would help me i've been trying to make sure I am eating enough to cover all this just really bummed me out to see that on the scale:(
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate with your menstral cycles. No idea if that's the problem here, but you should keep that in mind.
  • Healthytobex2
    Thank you for these points but this is only my third week of doing this so I am shocked this has happened, I came off of my bc in March have not had my period yet this month but was on my bc for five years have not had a proper period yet
  • CharliesInCharge
    CharliesInCharge Posts: 278 Member
    and I don't , so I am a bad example, weigh or measure your food. what you think you are eating portion wise could be very different than actual amounts
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I realise I went over by 17 calories one day
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Thank you for these points but this is only my third week of doing this so I am shocked this has happened

    Your weight is not going to continuously drop. It will fluctuate with water giving a variety of factors. Also, 1200 calories is not enough food for most people. You should really calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and eat at a deficit of 20% below TDEE so that you can concentrate on fat loss as opposed to total body weight loss which will include muscle loss.
  • Healthytobex2
    I weigh everything that I eat I don't guess at all
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Can somebody post that link for the 'roadmap' thing?
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Several pounds of water moves in and out of your body every day. A pound or 2 on the scale is somewhat meaningless. Weigh yourself. Drink 2 glasses of water. weigh yourself again. Bam you just "gained" a pound.

    ETA: your weight at any moment of time can be influenced a pound or 2 in either direction just depending on your body's current state of hydration.
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Your TDEE set to sedentary is 2003 calories/day to maintain your current weight.
    20% of your TDEE is 400.

    2003-400 = 1603 calories a day to lose weight with zero exercise.

    If you exercise please eat 1600+ those calories burned to maintain the same safe deficit.
  • ddslowly
    ddslowly Posts: 46 Member
    i'm hardly an expert but it seems like you might just need to be more patient, 3 weeks isn't really enough time to make much difference either way and you might want to try drinking more water. that's definitely helped me out a lot.

    and, ot, your dog is ADORABLE!
  • katygirl66
    katygirl66 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I gained a pound this week and I realise I went over by 17 calories one day but can people take a look at my food diary and tell me honestly what they think might be keeping this weight on and what is wrong within my daily diaries

    Kindest Regards


    I looked at your diary, and I see a couple of things that could be effecting your weight loss. The first is that you are eating almost the same thing everyday. It is a good thing to shake up your metabolism be switching up the kind of meals you eat. and the types of food...carbs, proteins, etc.
    The second thing that I see is that you are eating lots of fruit, and while fruit is healthy, it can cause your blood sugar to be elevated, which makes your body store more fat. try adding more veggies and lees fruit!
    Good luck!