Hello All

I am new to this, just starting out on a new journey in life. Tired of being tired, made fun of and want to change myself for ME.


  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Hi there! Welcome to MFP!! I have been here for 10 days now and loving it!! This is a great place to get support and motivation from. You are a good start to coming here. In no time you will feel so much better. :)
  • dliebel
    dliebel Posts: 4
    Hi, welcome aboard. You will love this site, always remember to sign in your food and exercise and the rest will take care of itself.
  • ckahler
    ckahler Posts: 4
    Welcom been here 3 weeks now and love it it is easy to use. Best of luck on your new journey it is worth it all
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    this is a great site. track you food and exercise daily, make mini goals, looking at the big picture can be overwhelming. just stick with it there is alot of motivation and encouragement here. You can do it , you are worth it
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    Hi and welcome. This is a great site and it really does help. I've been overweight most of my life too. One thing that really made a difference to me is the food diary. When you see how many calories are in some of the things you love to eat, it really makes you think twice about what you do put in your mouth. I do agree that small goals work best otherwise it can just become too daunting and you risk giving up. All the best, you can do it. I've got a way to go as well but I feel like I'm going to make it. :smile: