Apple iPod

nicoledc Posts: 37
edited September 21 in Chit-Chat
If any of you have this I'd like some input as to how you like it - esp. book readers - not sure I could get used to using that vs a hard cover book


  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    I like using the ipad for that function, but the screen on my ipod/iphone is really small. Only draw back is of course, you can't read in the tub or in other places that you wuold be less concerned of posing a hazard to your book.
  • jojospaghettio
    jojospaghettio Posts: 62 Member
    My husband and I each have and ipod touch. We both love it, but for different reasons.

    He loves his for reading! He has always had difficulty concentrating on books, partly because his mind wanders and partly because of the shadow that frequently falls upon the pages. He is reading much more quickly and enjoyably now because there is only a limited amount to concentrate on and the lit screen makes it easier to see the words too.

    I, on the other hand, love mine for planning, scheduling, note-taking, and networking (including MFP!!) but could not get through an entire book on the ipod. The screen feels too small to me and just awkward. Of course, I also majored in English and work in the library field, so that may have something to do with it. :)
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    Audiobooks are the best!! I listen to them in my car via my ipod and can't imagine life without it:bigsmile:
  • alwardt
    alwardt Posts: 50 Member
    I really like the iPad for reading. If I'm going to read outdoors during the day, I prefer the Kindle. I really enjoy being able to download new content without having to go to the bookstore or the library. The really cool part is both devices know where I left off, regardless of which device I used last.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    i LOVE the apple iPod touch. mine recently dropped in the toilet, so i don't have one right now, but will get one when hopefully, the new model is released in september (with a camera).

    i also read books on - and like - it as well, but that depends on the person. NOTHING replaces holding a book in my hands, but it's nice to know that in case i'm ever stuck anywhere or going on vacation, i can have 4-5 books at my disposal without the weight of the acutal books. usually i read the books on my iTouch slower than the hardcover books. i like knowing they are there.
  • 29bubbles
    29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
    I love my ipod touch... my hubby loves his nook for reading...says it's the best e-reader out there thus far.
  • nicoledc
    nicoledc Posts: 37
    Not EVEN going to ask how your iPod ended up in the toilet! Like you, I like actually holding the books. Thanks for the response though - gave me a chuckle!
  • nicoledc
    nicoledc Posts: 37
    Looks like I'll be getting an iPad from the remarks received - I have a million books and nowhere to store them - sounds like a good solution. Thanks for all your in-put !
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173
    I have an original Kindle for book reading and I LOVE IT!!!!

    I do have an ipod touch with the kindle ap, but the interface isn't as nice to me. The worst is the brightness of the screen. It would be great for reading in the dark, but its too harsh on my eyes. I never use it, instead I use my kindle!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I have a Sony ereader for ebooks and it's great outdoors but a bit frustrating for non-linear reading (reference books)

    I also read the same books on an iPad. Not so good outside but much nicer reading experience.

    I could never get on with reading books on my older iPhone 3G (same screen as iPod touch) but the new iPhone 4 retina display is actually quite usable.

    One good thing is that you can read kindle books on ixxx devices as well as generic ebooks (stanza or ibooks) and pdf/word docs with goodreader.
  • I have an original Kindle for book reading and I LOVE IT!!!!

    I do have an ipod touch with the kindle ap, but the interface isn't as nice to me. The worst is the brightness of the screen. It would be great for reading in the dark, but its too harsh on my eyes. I never use it, instead I use my kindle!

    Glad to know that I was trying to figure out which I wanted I have a I Pod Touch but dont have enough memory for all the books I would want and I pads cost way to much for me so I couldn't decide if I wanted a kindle or a nook
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    I have a kindle and an ipod touch. Let me just say I hate itunes and the way the ipod syncs things. Then the laptop I had all my music on crashed and I had a very difficult time figuring out how to sync my ipod without losing all of the music I had on it since when you sync, it erases all of your music and photos and replaces them with whatever is on the computer u r using. UGH!!
    I like my kindle for reading on the stair stepper or taking to the doctor's office. The screen is easy to read outdoors, no glare. Down side is if you like a book you have to tell your friend to go buy it, you can't just give it to them. Kindle does have some online archive where you can store books you have read but don't need at your disposal every moment. A big downside is, if you turn off wireless to conserve power (ALOT) then you don't have your place recorded if something happens. I have several times had the kindle freeze, or just go to the opening page of a book and not go to the last page read. Then you have to spend time trying to figure out what place you were in.

    I recently was reading Anna Karenina and the kindle lost my place, somehow. Anyway I remembered basicallly what chapter I had left, but I didn't realize that the book had eight parts each starting at chapter 1 so I had an interesting time finding that one. It is funny now, but very irritating at the time. I also found the books are just as cheap if you are in a book club, and then you can trade books with someone, or donate them, or even resell them, but with the kindle, no. Most newer books are 10 dollars a pop. You can get the older classics for little or nothing, that is nice. I have a bible on the kindle, also very hard to get to a particular place.
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