Sugar Poker. Does your family innocently sabotage your diet?

So my sister had this wonderful idea of playing poker, but instead of chips we're using various kinds of cookies and instead of beer she got bottles of root beer that we drank and filled with chocolate milk. I'm terrified that instead of sticking to my plan of just eating one or two of each cookie, I'm going to eat all of them.

I hope I lose all my cookies before I get to them.

So my question is, has your family or friends ever innocently sabotaged your diet?

You know the funniest part? When she was explaining this to us (me and my 4 siblings) she looked at me and said, "If you're doing the whole healthy thing still, I guess you can fill your bottle with Slimfast instead of chocolate milk!" (It's the thought that counts?)


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I wasn't on a diet at the time, but for a while my mom bought me a big mac meal PLUS another big mac every day for quite a while (gotta love coupons :ohwell: ).

    As for your cookie poker game, maybe you could break out some carrot sticks and water :drinker: .
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    The only time I really have a problem is at large family functions. For the most part, people who I interact with every day are very supportive.
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    Just today my dad brought over some kfc original fried chicken...My absolute favorite. He knows I love the chicken and he knew I was short on cash. Sweet gesture but I couldn't eat it. I know if I started cheating this early in my diet. I would never stop.
  • jeanineadele
    That sounds like a recipe for failure. We can't expect because we are ready for a change everyone else is mentally in the same place we are. If I were faced with this challenge I would skip the poker game and think of an active game to play. Who's up for charades or Twister?
  • nbingham
    nbingham Posts: 102 Member
    Yes, and it's SO frustrating. I know my boyfriend loves me, but since I went on this plan he's been doing a lot of "Are you SURE you can't eat this?" while holding up something that's a no no. Today I explained to him that I'm not on a "diet", I'm on a budget. Sure I "could" eat a little bit of that (insert bad for me food here) but then I'd spend so many calories on it that, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the rest of my day. I'd much rather eat a normal amount of food that's better for me.
  • kami28
    kami28 Posts: 15
    Currently, no one is trying to sabotage me! =) (unless you count my boyfriends recent joke, when I said I needed to find a new salad dressing, he said I could melt hershey's kisses LOL) My mom and I live 1300 miles apart now, but when we didn't, she had a 6th sense for me dieting, i think, because as soon as I would start, she would start baking..... I miss her more than I can explain, and her food was awesome, but i don't miss that! =) Maybe, so you don't feel as left out, you could replace the cookies you win with ones that are from those 100 cal snack packs... and as for the chocolate milk, maybe make your own chocolate milk with skim or 1% milk and a little nesquick or something.... Good luck!! (or Bad luck to ya, if you don't wanna win any cookies! LOL)
  • Lauris83
    Lauris83 Posts: 58
    good job! it's hard in the beginning but I know from my own experience that it's gotten easier. You start to learn what foods are better for you and what's lower in calories. You should be proud of yourself for choosing not to eat it, I'm sure your dad will understand.
  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    Yes! All the time. But I'm getting used to it. And the cleaner I eat the less cravings I have for those foods.
  • weightogojen
    My husbands the WORSE!!! He is forever wanting to go out to eat knowing thats NOT a good idea for me... ugggggg
  • heyjude78
    heyjude78 Posts: 160
    Lolol- It's good to see that I'm not alone! My mom will come home with fresh whole milk and newman-o's (oreos) and I cannot resist them! It's kinda cool though cause usually I'd wanna kill like 6 or 7 of them and I had 3 and was totally satisfied ;) Pretty good feeling!:drinker: