Weight loss in 6 months??

Hi everyone I would like to know how much weight have you lost in 6 months? And do you have any before and after pics... needing motivation.


  • djkronyx
    djkronyx Posts: 77 Member
    I have been more of a maintainer. Ran across this story (there's a lot more in the Success Stories thread).

  • CharlotteTheCoffeeLover
    CharlotteTheCoffeeLover Posts: 1,205 Member
    January 1st I weighed 202.8 (91k).. This morning I weighed 164.3 (74k)
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    About 27 lbs. in five and a half months. I don't have a wonderful before picture, but here's a halfway decent one:


    Here's one from earlier this month:


    (Hoping this will work - it's the first time I have posted pictures on MFP.)
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    4 months in (starting feb 17th at 209), ive lost 34 lbs and am now at 175. who would have guessed??? not i. congrats on yr weight loss too so far! keep going!!
  • redbreva
    redbreva Posts: 8 Member
    I started on 7th January, so currently on 6.5 months, and have lost 23kg, was 98, now 75

    My initial target was 75, so now more in a 'holding' pattern, but finding it difficult some days to use my full allowance, Absolute lower limit is 73KG... If I get that low, I may have to start having Full Fat latte again :-(
  • drmcglone
    drmcglone Posts: 80 Member
    Started 6 months ago yesterday (21st)...down 24 pounds. It has been slow..but its been steady, and I have not felt deprived. I want this to be a lifestyle from now on!
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    In the past 6 months 24.6 pounds; I'm older though and lose slowly.
  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    6 Months from when I started mfp and counting religiously. Did Insanity properly and took up distance running... 60 lbs or so? Started at 240 for reference.
  • 2beThin139
    How motivating to see all these success stories!
  • nm_353
    nm_353 Posts: 16 Member
    Well unfortunately I stayed the same weight for like a yr LOL! Finally in February of this year I decided to start losing a few lbs. I started weight watchers in feb, at 5'6 155 lbs :p I stayed on ww's until about beginning of May. Weigh in showed me at 152ish... Not quite the loss I was after. Previously I had tried Atkins, Dukans, other fad diets, low cal, and nothing ever worked. I was kinda frustrated. Well sometime before mid may, I had read about a new eating approach called, fruit until noon, raw until 4 ( or in my case 5) At 4 or 5, you just eat whatever you want for dinner basically, within portion limits. Once I started that, the weight started rolling off. My weigh in this morning showed me at around 137. So that's around 15 lbs gone in less than 2 months. I'm not the most active person, plus I'm a writer so I'm sitting a lot lol. On sedentary days I keep my calorie intake to around 1100-1250ish. On days that I do actually go biking, or anything hard core, I up my cals to around 1400-1500 ish. Not to mention, I do take one day off a week to where I don't deprive myself, and eat what I want (within reason of course). I also try my best to zig zag my calories daily, just trying everything I can to change it up a bit to keep my metabolism from slowing down. The first initial weight loss when I started this method was like 5-7 lbs in the first week or 2. Since then it is pretty consistent at 1-2 lbs lost a week.
    It took some getting used to, eating this way. Now I love it! It has also worked with greatly reducing my appetite, I'm hardly ever hungry anymore. It's just more of eating to live, not living to eat. I'm used to snacking on a fruit here and there, and my raw veggies during the day. I actually enjoy the tastes of them now. I havent had a piece of candy in 4 weeks... Not because I'm depriving, but because I dont crave them anymore. Let me tell you, candy was my weakness, LOL! Especially anything chocolate and caramel. The only thing I refuse to give up, is my sugar free caramel machiatto coffee creamer! I drink 1-2 coffees in the morning, and water the rest of the day. It is my only "bad" thing I kept, and I'm going to keep it haha.
  • nm_353
    nm_353 Posts: 16 Member
    How do I get a thingy that shows my weight lost?
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    I started January 4 so am not quite six months (5 and a half months along) and I have lost 53.2 pounds mostly through wise food choices, lots of water and exercise. I started out losing fast but it has slowed down over the last couple months to a steady slow loss. I am not looking at it as a diet but a lifestyle change.


    above on October 27, 2012 (I had not taken a before but that was most recent photo) and below on May 18, 2013

  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    How do I get a thingy that shows my weight lost?

    go to apps on the blue tabs at the top and then click on tickers in the dark blue underneith
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    Depends on how much you have to lose and what you are doing. My first 6 months I lost about 50lbs, second 6 months I've lost about 30lbs.
  • AmandaJade9
    AmandaJade9 Posts: 118 Member
    Wow guys thanks so much what amazing motivating pictures and stories. You are all doing so well! Keep up the good work and congrats to everyone for there great losses.