To Be the Queen's That We Are A Queen Carries Herself with Pride, A Queen Carries Herself With Dignity, A Queen Carries Herself With Respect, A Queen Carries Within Her, Great Morals and Values, A Queen Increases Her Wisdom and Knowledge, A Queen is Very Spiritual and Full Of Faith, A Queen is Very Caring and Loving to Others, A Queen Keeps a Modest Physical appearance, A Queen Dresses with Style, but never reveals to Much A Queen Does not Dignify Herself with cursings from Her Mouth, A Queen does not Engage in Babblings and Gossip, A Queen Does Not make others feel Inferior to Her, A Queen Will Not Lay With a man who is Not Her Husband, A Queen Only Engages with her Own Husband and Not Another Woman's Husbands A Queen Treats Her Husband As a King, A Queen Knows when to enforce Her Power, A Queen knows when To Be Silent, A Queen Knows When to Let Go and Let God. A Poem To Inspire Not to Pull down


  • TexNut
    TexNut Posts: 53
    Awesome - love it! Read an earlier post today about calling for a healthier view of beauty; which reminds me of your poem. I hate to see so many women demean themselves with how they act or the way they think of themselves and talk of others. We all need some encouragement, patience, understanding and LOVE!
  • Carol_L
    Carol_L Posts: 296 Member
    This is awesome :smile:

    It all starts with respecting yourself, and then by extension being able to treat others with that same respect.

    If more people took these things to heart, woman or man, the world would be a much better place.
  • QueenDriventosuccess
    QueenDriventosuccess Posts: 116 Member
    Glad you like the poem ladies , I wrote it when I was at work, I feel we as women would be empowered if we love and respect our selves first, see ourselves as queens .. ha but as you see noone really responded, they didn't really at work either or on Qq mail so I must of hit some buttons, its ok they I no it needed to be said
  • firenze55
    firenze55 Posts: 2
    i came on looking for something positive to think about today and this really helped.
  • 324toOnederland
    324toOnederland Posts: 7 Member
    Nice poem!!
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I just. No. Crikey.

    Maybe I can just point out the dichotomy between "not making other people feel inferior" and "only sleeping with a man, and one you are married to".
  • QueenDriventosuccess
    QueenDriventosuccess Posts: 116 Member
    I'm glad you like it, it empowered me as well, keep your head high
  • QueenDriventosuccess
    QueenDriventosuccess Posts: 116 Member
    Thank you