Scale Vs. Wii-fit

Tems Posts: 16
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I am a little confused:frown: I have a digital scale which I use obsessively every morning to weigh myself & I occasionally use the wii-fit scale. There is usually a difference of about 2-3lbs.
I have not used the wii-fit for about 3weeks but used it this morning, the difference in weight between my wii-fit & the digital scale was about 1 stone! (weighed less on wii-fit) & i always measure with very little on...
Which device do you believe is more accurate?
Any advise please...


  • shell_83
    shell_83 Posts: 16
    I have noticed that the wii-fit is about 1-2lbs difference, but i believe its do to what you put in for how much your clothes weigh. But if there is that much of a difference the only thing i can think of is was you wii-fit on a carpet or a softer surface? even a scale if its not on a hard level surface its not going to be right.
    I hope this helped a little.
  • I've noticed that my wii-fit will differ from my scale as well, my scale seems to be much more consistent..
  • micbin
    micbin Posts: 20 Member
    Hi there!!

    Perhaps my method may help you

    I always always always weigh myself under the following conditions:

    First thing every morning.
    Go to toilet first!
    Remove ALL clothing & Jewellery
    Stand on the scale as god made you!!

    If you do this, and measure yourself on both your scale and Wii fit, you will get a consistent measurement on both devices. I.e. if you're 1lb heavier on the wii fit, you will ALWAYS be 1lb heavier on the wii fit...

    Works for me!! I've been dieting since Nov last year and have lost almost 40lbs. The fact that it's stayed off is testament to my methods! - LOL!!

    Good luck!!:happy:
  • micbin
    micbin Posts: 20 Member
    Also make sure both your scale and wii fit are on a hard surface (not carpet...) and make sure your scale is consistent too!!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I use to use my Wii-fit in the morning at home then use a digital scale on base while wearing "light" workout gear, the difference would usually only be ounces.
    The BEST way to find out which is accurate is to use a weight such as a dumbell or something. You will know exactly how much it weighs. Weigh that on the your scale and see if it is right or not. So from there you can use your scale as your baseline for your weight accuracy. Once you use your wii-fit, you will know the difference between the two.
  • Tems
    Tems Posts: 16
    Thanks for all your input.
    I placed the wii-fit on hard floor (without the rug and took off clothing), I got same reading as digital scale...damn! I was secretly hoping I had magically lost a stone in a week:ohwell:
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I purposely only use the wii fit and not the scale because I was afraid if I get different weights off both I would be confused at least I know if I have lose 2lb with the wii fit then I have lost 2lb If my weight is right or not I'll have lost that weight at least lol
  • Helent26
    Helent26 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi i was thinking of buying a wii - fit for me and my children, who would recommend it and who wouldn't recommended and the reasons why please. As im a single mum it's alot of money to pay if its not as good as the adverts look lol. Thanks for the input. Helen xx:flowerforyou:
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    Hi i was thinking of buying a wii - fit for me and my children, who would recommend it and who wouldn't recommended and the reasons why please. As im a single mum it's alot of money to pay if its not as good as the adverts look lol. Thanks for the input. Helen xx:flowerforyou:

    I Love my wii Fit I have been healthy eating and just exercising on the Wii fit No other exercise and since the beginning of July I have lost 17lb... I also brought the biggest Loser game for 10 pounds for the wii fit and that gives me a huge workout.
    The reasons i like it are:

    I do not have to leave the house to enter a gym to have a workout When I get home for the evening have tea and collapse on the sofa it looks at me and I just have to get up and do it. No matter what I’m wearing no one can see me.

    The wii tells you your BMI and keeps track of your weight in a graph so now when i look at the graph I can see the weight coming off and I set a goal of 2lb a week and when you reach that it feels amazing.

    I have found that when I first did it I was getting out of breath easily and now I can do the routine that they set for you without breaking into a sweat so I then add more boxing and stepping into the mix.

    It is fun for all on the wii fit plus game there are new games that the kids will love like an obstacle course and i love the skate boarding and cycling also with most of he Wii consoles you will get the bowling game four players can play and on many occasion when its raining outside and we are babysitting we do this in the front room to keep them busy.

    Me and my 13 year old niece have got a tournament going on at hula hooping it makes me practise because every time the family come over we see whos the best I have beat her once out of 4 times.

    Whether I have 20 min’s to spare or 2 hours I can do the exercise that works in around my day. I wont be paying for the gym to turn up for 30 mins and then leave again.
  • Helent26
    Helent26 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks alot for the reply, it sounds great! As soon as i get my first paycheque i think i will be treating us to the wii - fit. It was thinking logically in my head it will work out cheaper than a gym membership everyweek and its something the kids can do with me too. They might help encourage me too, if i'm a little tired but they wanna play i'll end up doing it with them. Thanks again :wink: Helen x
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