New here, Never done the diet thing before

Hi all,

I have never done the diet thing before. Never worried about food either. I don't have any major issues (besides a bad back and depression/:P). But I finally took the blinders off and noticed that there is now an obese person staring back at me in the mirror!!! Where did this person come from?!? Looking for help and encouragement. I will start with observations of what I eat for a week or so and then start with adjustments. Any exercise ideas and suggestions would be AWESOME.



  • Heya, Welcome to MFP.

    I took baby steps when I first started dieting. Like taking the stairs, parking a few blocks away from work to get the little exercise I can. Taking long walks during the weekend.

    Download Nike+ running to keep track of your walking distance.

    If you can join a gym. It's a better start. Cardio and resistance training will help you drop the weight even faster.
    I've had days where I wanted to quit but you have to stay motivated and just keep pushing yourself.
  • Hello Everyone,

    :frown: I have been giving a wake up call and I almost don't know where to start! I'm struggling very much with my weight... I have been a diabetic since the age of 11 and I am now 27 and still fighting the nasty battle. ALOT of adjustments are needed to be made with medications and everything else. I recently was seen by a specialist for my diabetes and was told that I need a Life Intervention. I lost my mom at the age of 21 and she hid a lot of what was going on with her. But as I anaylize myself and symptoms that my mom had I am heading down her path. I was also told that some of the meds that I am on make me resistant to the insulin that I am on and I'm taking a lot of insulin over 500 units a day and they do not want to treat me with anymore medicine due to some factor's that could possibly kill me since I am so young. I'm at the bottom of the barrel and I just want to feel better. This don't help with my bipolar disorder as well makes me more up and down on the rollercoaster. I also have a 2yr old who needs his mommy and to some this may sound selfish but this is something that needs to be done for me and only me. Some say I have my son to live for and they are right but I remember being told that in order to care for other's you must care for yourself and I have lived through other's for a long time now. IT'S MY TURN NOW! I have thee worst self discipline but when I get a nice routine going and have the support of other's around me I am unstoppable. I don't have much support at this time because NO ONE understands this battle unless they are experiencing it themselves but that the least of the issue. I'm a STRONG WILLED women this shouldn't stop me. I just don't know where it is to start. I HAVE NOT been this big in my life always chunky but no where near the numbers I have seen lately. It's about that time to TAKE MY LIFE BACK. If there is anyone who has some ideas or some input I am open to it all. EVEN if you just want to be of some support that is WELCOMED as well. Life is what we make it and it's far to short so lets make the change and see something we never have before.

    Bonnie :)
  • kdv160
    kdv160 Posts: 16 Member
    Baby steps! :) Maybe cut portion sizes at first, then start incorporating healthier foods along with that, then start walking as much as possible as many times a week as you can, even if it's just a couple blocks. Pretty soon you'll find a groove you can live with and take it from there! :) Everybody's different though, so find what works for you. Add me as a friend on here if you want to... I'd love to be there for you!
  • zackery83
    zackery83 Posts: 2
    im a diabetic as well and i portion my food and i walk atleast 15 to 20 minutes each doctor told me that an hr to an hr and a half a day is great and i have lost 15 at 210 now and got 30 lbs to lose,if u need incouragement or support feel free to add me.i been a diabetic since april so im determined and it gets aggrevating at times but u cant give up!goodluck!
  • zackery83
    zackery83 Posts: 2
    u can add me and maybe i can be ur support group