Carbs Carbs Carbs.



  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    I only eat 20g carbs each day- nothing processed, no fruit, loads of green veggies. Snacks are chorizo "crisps", handful of almonds/unsalted peanuts, if I can fit it in 1 tbsp peanut butter, coconut chocolates made with 85% cocoa chocolate and shredded coconut, if I need a large snack I'll have some meat or cheese.

    I think if you have to avoid vegetables/fruit to keep down carbs, that is a worry.

    I get about 100g from fruit and vegetables a day. Then some from black chocolate, and some days beans or rice. I have beaten my short 'plateau' by actually logging really honestly and not going off track on weekends. Stay to your amount EVERY DAY and don't let a piece of cake cause you to go over (I fit it into my 1500 yesterday, somehow, and have planned a day out all day showing friends around town but have fitted everything in by prelogging).

    Pre logging is key. Honesty is key. Healthy, fresh food is key.

    Good luck :)

    p.s. I am about 139lb and 5'7. I think at your weight at height if you aren't happy, you need to look at muscle training. Getting muscle in there changes shape and makes you realise that a number on a scale isn't that meaningful at all!
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Literally it's always 150-200 and other people say that try to stick to 100 or lower. I don't see how that's possible unless you are eating less than 1,000 calories a day...

    That's because those people cannot comprehend basic nutrition or science lol... Your profile says you suffered from a damaged metabolism. Are you currently trying to rehab it or are you running a deficit?

    Uhhh...I ate about 2100 calories yesterday with 28 total grams of carbohydrate. It's certainly possible.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Lower carbs to debloat myself, I suppose. Not to mention that too many carbs just makes you feel heavy and gross and it'll hopefully help me break my plateau.
    While I'm definitely a low carb advocate and I do keep my carbs very low, unless you have a metabollic issue there's no reason for you to cut your carb intake lower than what you are already eating.

    With that said, you mention that carbs make you feel heavy, gross and bloated. Rather than cutting the amount of carbs you are eating, I suggest you cut out wheat/gluten for a week or two and see if that doesn't fix your "bloat" problem. You can up your fruit and veggies to make up for the drop in carbs.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Literally it's always 150-200 and other people say that try to stick to 100 or lower. I don't see how that's possible unless you are eating less than 1,000 calories a day...

    It's not that hard if you stay away from sugar and most wheat. Eat mostly meats and veggies with a bit of fruit and starch.

    If you aren't trying to lose weight though I think you can stay a bit higher, that's a different debate, but it's not too hard if you do what I mentioned.
    I just wanted snack ideas, dammit!
    Ah, in that case. Cheese, olives, black coffee :) I'm not much of a snacker. If you want to lower carbs on yogurt you generally want to go higher fat.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Literally it's always 150-200 and other people say that try to stick to 100 or lower. I don't see how that's possible unless you are eating less than 1,000 calories a day...

    That's because those people cannot comprehend basic nutrition or science lol... Your profile says you suffered from a damaged metabolism. Are you currently trying to rehab it or are you running a deficit?

    Uhhh...I ate about 2100 calories yesterday with 28 total grams of carbohydrate. It's certainly possible.

    I was referring to the first sentence.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    If you made your diary public, we could make some more sensible suggestions....
  • writetomab
    writetomab Posts: 226
    Loads of ways to reduce carbs... I get less than 150g per day normally and some days I go very low carb, i.e. under 50g.

    So for breakfast anything with eggs such as omlette, scrammbled eggs, smoked salmon, bacon, sausage etc.

    Snacks, things such as nuts, cheese, beef jerky, chicken bites etc

    For lunch, salad with high protein source such as fish, chicken, beef etc

    Dinner, meat and veg.

    Done! :smile:
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    Literally it's always 150-200 and other people say that try to stick to 100 or lower. I don't see how that's possible unless you are eating less than 1,000 calories a day...

    It's not that hard if you stay away from sugar and most wheat.


    I aim for less than 100g carbs a day (and somewhere between 1,400-1,600 calories), and in the last week I've eaten cabbage, greek yogurt, blackberries, strawberries, zuchini, yellow squash, plantains, sweet potatoes, sour cream, dark chocolate, romaine lettuce, baby lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, watermelon, canteloupe, arugula, red bell peppers, cubanelle peppers, cole slaw, broccoli slaw, cherries, fried okra, a few glasses of riesling, apples, celery, collards, carrots, etc.

    You can eat plenty of veggies and regular servings of fruit and easily stay below 100g carbs a day by avoiding sugar and most wheat.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Eggs for breakfast
    Cheese or fish salad for lunch
    Meat or chicken with veg for dinner
    Nuts for snacks.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Most recipes and meal plans aimed at people with diabetes will get you there, though they do treat the fiber portion a little differently. I'm not personally diabetic but went straight for the materials my mom got when she was diagnosed for suggestions when I realized how much it would help in rebalancing the diet of a pasta fiend like myself. I've been dealing with this for a while, though it was only recently that I found this site.
  • Livdoesketo
    Livdoesketo Posts: 38 Member
    I don't in any way avoid vegetables, I avoid fruit because most fruit apart from a few berries are basically sugar. I normally eat 4/5 portions of green veggies in a day. I have found that people assume low carb is unhealthy because they see the start of Atkins with no veg and think that is it. I have never done this diet and gone without vegetables, I didn't eat vegetables before I did this diet all I've done is replace the pasta I used to eat with broccoli, spinach and green beans.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I think I'd end up killing someone if I went under 100!!!

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  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Most recipes and meal plans aimed at people with diabetes will get you there, though they do treat the fiber portion a little differently. I'm not personally diabetic but went straight for the materials my mom got when she was diagnosed for suggestions when I realized how much it would help in rebalancing the diet of a pasta fiend like myself. I've been dealing with this for a while, though it was only recently that I found this site.

    Just wanted to add to this that not all diabetic have carb restrictions... I am Type 2 (diagnosed in 2009 with A1c of 10.0) and from the beginning my Dietician never had me eating fewer than 240 grams of carbs a day.... I have been in maintenance for the past 8 months and eat around 400 grams of carbs a day currently.... I have never felt this so called bloat from carbs but to each their own... Best of Luck OP (Oh to add A1c the past going on 2 years have been 5.4 average..)
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    I have the same relationship with carbs. When I eat them, I feel heavy & bloated. I eat more healthy fats and very low carbs. Avocado, nuts & other healthy fats have helped me really cut carbs. besides today, I typically eat a total of 65-70 carbs but net about 48. I still eat bread, but it's pita with 8g of carbs with 4g of fiber. I've cut out a lot of fruit. Ii used to eat 4-5 pieces of fruit a day. Now, I don't because too much sugar also makes me bloat. Now, I limit it to one. I load up on lots of veggies though. Broccoli, spinach & romaine lettuce are my best friends! I also increase my protein. I feel so much better and lighter! And you look fantastic by the way!
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,072 Member
    I've been eating under 130 g carbs for quite some time now, but I just increased it to 145 g the other day. But I don't lift weights and do strenuous exercise daily. If you limit carbs, something else will have to be substituted in its place--like protein or fat. You have to decide what you want to eat more of instead of carbs. If you really don't want to eat carbs, more fat, and extra protein, which would all add more calories--drink water and eat lettuce to keep you full. Or lower your calorie intake. But I think you're height/weight ratio is very good and that you don't need to lose any more weight.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Atkins bars, their good and low carb