Jumping rope

Hey guys, so I just bought a jump rope because I've heard it's a good cardio workout, and I figure I can do it while I watch tv. However, I CAN'T DO IT! After a couple jumps I catch my feet or the back of my head and have to start all over. Anyone have any tips on how to get better at it?


  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Practice is crucial! And here's a few tips that helped me when I tried to jump rope. c: http://www.builtlean.com/2010/08/06/learn-how-to-jump-rope-like-a-pro-7-tips/
  • areeves86
    areeves86 Posts: 33 Member
    Time and practice I hadn't jumped rope in years and like you kept tripping up every few jumps I just kept at it though and have gotten my groove back!! It's a great way to burn calories quick according to my hrm I burn anywhere from 100-150 cals in less than 10 mins!
  • frenkinstein
    frenkinstein Posts: 37 Member
    Wow that's an awesome burn, I wana get to that level bad haha, I could do a ton throughout the day if I had the skill haha
  • areeves86
    areeves86 Posts: 33 Member
    If I could jump 10 mins straight without tripping up I'd love to see what the burn would be!!!! Maybe one of these years haha
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    have you properly fit yourself for it?

    Standing on the rope you want to pull the handles up under your armpits, so basically the rope (not the handle) is under your armpit. I have a Valeo I bought from Amazon, and an Everlast for the kids. The Everlast is the exact same as the Valeo. The end of the handle comes off and you adjust the rope length and snip off the excess. I spent a few dollars more on each and got the model with the ball bearings. It makes a huge difference. I'll never buy a cheapo one with regular handles again. WalMart has them with the bearings for I think about $6.....

    Jumping rope takes practice. I can jump pretty good but get tired around the 15 minute mark and start messing up. I can't do any "tricks" like double jumps or anything yet, but I'm getting better. It's a great workout and you can burn a lot in a little bit of time.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    no one can jump rope fresh out the box. it's a high energy, high coordination activity. like anything else, practice makes perfect. just keep jumping and keep trying to string more successive jumps together.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    in addition to the above, get GOOD SHOES and LAND SOFT. You don't have to jump super high, just high enough for the rope to slip under your feet. Watch some videos, easier to learn by seeing, there are even ones on youtube geared toward beginners made by people who *love* jumping rope.
  • Alhyana
    Alhyana Posts: 1
    Get a trampoline!! I always use it, it does the same as a jump rope and it fun and puts less strain on your joints as well. I normally mimi the jumprope action when jumping to make it a full workout...
  • frenkinstein
    frenkinstein Posts: 37 Member
    in addition to the above, get GOOD SHOES and LAND SOFT. You don't have to jump super high, just high enough for the rope to slip under your feet. Watch some videos, easier to learn by seeing, there are even ones on youtube geared toward beginners made by people who *love* jumping rope.

    i noticed that my sneakers thick bottom ALWAYS catches the rope so I did it bare foot, do you think my cross training shoes would work? (heres the link to em: http://www.mensfitness.com/gear/workout-gear/shoe-of-the-month-merrell-flux-glove-sport)
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    I like it too do about 100 skips just before starting on the heavy bag.
    No i don't watcn TV when I work out. keep at it. Very Good for you.
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    Practice Practice Practice. Btw, Jump to Music! Watchin TV and jumpin at the same time will only get you tangled up, jus sayin....
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    It's just practice hun, the length of the rope is important, but more importantly is as soon as you get tangled up, untangle yourself and go again. Soon you'll be able to go for ages without getting tripped up. No one is good at skipping the minute they start, its tricky business!!! Except for kids, they are good at all that stuff lol