sodium count

mickway Posts: 12 Member
hello, can anyone tell me what am doing wrong with my diet ? I always have plenty of calories left at the end of the day but sodium level is always so high !



  • Annachu512
    Annachu512 Posts: 3 Member
    You really need to cut back on some of the sodium. The sodium excess will cause you to retain water weight and you won't lose like you possibly could. When checking out the calories on the back of the package, check for the sodium too. Stay away from the so called diet meals or Smart Ones. They have TONS of sodium.

    Good luck! :D
  • jrunk85
    jrunk85 Posts: 2
    Yes my sodium count is also high! I have been learning that fresh is best and most quick and easy meals are packed with sodium.
  • callandert
    callandert Posts: 26 Member
    Yes, I have found the same...if I don't eat processed food, I am always way under in my sodium count. The only time that I will get close is if I have processed food/restaurant food. FRESH is BEST!
  • Cut out as much salt as you can stand to, and like posted already, fresh is best. Even 'healthy' prepackaged foods are still loaded with sodium. You need some sodium in your diet, but too much, also causes A LOT of health problems. If there's anyway I can help, let me know! (: Good luck.
  • loriwhitefaith
    loriwhitefaith Posts: 116 Member
    Yeah I know what you mean I have a saying now too healthy Choice is not a healthy choice and neither is Smart One.....LOL its not a smart choice eiher........I agree with all other posts previously posted........fresh is best

    this is all trial and by day we learn what has high sodium and what is lower........processed food...high sodium fresh food........low sodium

    Ive learned that in some drinks I like theres even sodium........never imagined that

    You will lose less weight when diet is high in sodium. I have been watching my sodium like a hawk lately. Ive noticed tomotoe sauce, spaghetti sauce, diced tom has ton of sodium as well....Ive been looking for cans of tomatoes with no salt

    NSV> I recently cleaned out my cupboard of salt. No salt on my food anymore. Another staple I use for everything is chicken broth......but be very careful not to buy regular.......they do make this with low sodium you just have to read all lables carefully

    good luck...sodium is hard for me too I started losing agin when I cut way way way back on sodium.
  • Bread, cheese, & processed meats, canned soups, etc, these are some of the highest sodium sources out there that people think they're eating healthy, but overdoing it with salt.

    1 footlong Subway sandwich:
    Honey Oat bread = 860mg of sodium
    Cold cut combo meats = 1660mg of sodium
    American Processed Cheese = 400mg of sodium
    Mayonnaise = 160mg of sodium
    Subway pickles = 230mg of sodium
    Jalapeño peppers = 140mg of sodium
    Olives = 50 mg of sodium
    Even their spinach has 45mg of sodium
    This totals 3540mg of sodium!!! That's ridiculous! People think they're eating healthy, but the salt is killing them slowly.

    Find out what your usual sub has, and other popular fast food restaurant foods.

    Health Canada recommends a daily intake of 1500mg of sodium for adults aged 14-50 yrs of age. With 2300mg being the Tolerable Upper Intake Level.
  • zlauerMom
    zlauerMom Posts: 183 Member
    Like others have said, processed foods, lunch meats, and restaurant meals put me over on sodium. I watch it and try to cut back, but I don't sweat it too much.

    If you don't have a health issue, it isn't a big problem. However, I am always mindful of when I've had too much sodium, so I don't worry if the scale goes up for a day or two. I remind myself it is because of that meal we had out. The weight comes back down soon enough.

    Same thing when we travel and are eating out the whole time. When I get home and get on the scale it will be up 3-5 pounds. Three days later, I'm back where I started.