Hyper Mobility/ Double Jointed

I'm double jointed in my knees and it really effects my ability to jog on my treadmill. My knee has been bothering my pretty bad and i Cant seem to figure out a way to soothe it.


  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    are you using knee supports? they're like bandages and help to support a joint if it's weak. You probably should see a doc/physio regarding how to exercise safely and when to push through the pain and when to stop. You want to ultimately strengthen your knees, not weaken them even more with injury. There may be some leg exercises you can do to strengthen the surrounding muscles and stabilise the joint a bit more.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Try the elliptical instead? Might be less of a 'jolt'?
  • Jett_05
    Jett_05 Posts: 95 Member
    I think it's good you recognize it as an issue. I'd recommend building up the musculature around the knees and then progressing to tredmills. Spinning and recumbent bikes are awesome for this. I also agree about the elliptical but I'd just make sure you have the resistance level set up higher.
  • MeganLeighSalinas
    Thanks everyone! I just wish I would have realized this before I bought the treadmill. Is it the jogging that's hurting my knee or just the treadmill in general. I was wondering if I just walked on the treadmill if it would be okay. I really wish I would have gotten an elliptical now :/
  • caly_man
    caly_man Posts: 281 Member
    yeah, it could be that the extra weight is hurting your knees and joints. I'm an ex-runner and i wont do any jogging/running with this much weight because i know all too well what it does to my knees. But I enjoy good walks without any physical pain.

    its definitely worth buying a soft knee sleeve for support, i played quite a bit of basketball and volleyball as a heavy man, and the soft braces on both my knees got me through the games with little discomfort, the next day day though... that's a different story.

    you can also do speed walking which really gets the heart rate up and you'll enjoy some sore muscles as well.

    if you can exchange the treadmill, why not.
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    Thanks everyone! I just wish I would have realized this before I bought the treadmill. Is it the jogging that's hurting my knee or just the treadmill in general. I was wondering if I just walked on the treadmill if it would be okay. I really wish I would have gotten an elliptical now :/

    I totally agreed with what they recommend you. Since ur goal is to loose weight, I recommend you not to jog on the treadmill since u have an issue with ur knees joint! do some moderate\light walks it will work perfectly to burn the fat in ur body as well :) !!

    Jogging will make pressure on ur knees! even if u jog outdoors...

    when u loose weight u gonna increase ur level and muscles will be stronger! and may be able to jog later in the soonest future :)
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I have a connective tissue disorder that makes my joints extra flexible, and I find that the elliptical is the easiest on my knees of the cardio machines. I also find that the more weight I lose, the less my knees hurt, which is awesome.
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    Hi, I also have a hypermobility and my knees are really affected by it, so much so that when I was pregnant I dislocated both knees, ouch! I would seriously recommend you take up yoga and pilates, it is amazing for building strength around your joints. Definitely no running etc until you have reduced the weight pressure your knees are under, I was 270lbs at my biggest and was in agony with my knees, ive dropped 50lbs since and *touch wood* have had very few problems. You basically need to improve the muscle around any affected joints to prevent "slippage", swimming is also excellent for this, literally no pressure on your joints xxx

    On the plus side being a bendy bird is awesome haha ;) x
  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    I'd also get fitted for running shoes. I use mine for everything as they've made me far more confident about my knees!
  • Rhayahana
    Rhayahana Posts: 57 Member
    I have hypermobility as well, and the one thing I found was that I cannot for the life of me run on a tredmill (hurting for days after that... ouch), but when I do it outside it's fine. Elliptical is so-so, doable but still not great. Actual running where you go forward and do miles on the road seems to still work the best.

    Also, build up muscles around your joints, I started lifting and am noticing a big difference in the amount of issues and pain I am having, it's really starting to lessen. Squats were hard at first, but they really help build stabilisation muscles.
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    I have hypermobility as well, and the one thing I found was that I cannot for the life of me run on a tredmill (hurting for days after that... ouch), but when I do it outside it's fine. Elliptical is so-so, doable but still not great. Actual running where you go forward and do miles on the road seems to still work the best.

    Also, build up muscles around your joints, I started lifting and am noticing a big difference in the amount of issues and pain I am having, it's really starting to lessen. Squats were hard at first, but they really help build stabilisation muscles.

    Definitely squat! I did the 30 day squat challenge and now squat everyday, with weights. I was worried at first that my knee would slip with the weight but its has been essential to improving stability xx
  • MeganLeighSalinas
    Thank you everyone so much! It's so nice to hear from people who have similar stories or who have suggestions. My mom and sister both have hyper mobility as well, but neither of them could understand why u was having problems because mother of them work out.
  • bonjalandoni
    bonjalandoni Posts: 136 Member
    I have hypermobility as well, and the one thing I found was that I cannot for the life of me run on a tredmill (hurting for days after that... ouch), but when I do it outside it's fine. Elliptical is so-so, doable but still not great. Actual running where you go forward and do miles on the road seems to still work the best.

    Also, build up muscles around your joints, I started lifting and am noticing a big difference in the amount of issues and pain I am having, it's really starting to lessen. Squats were hard at first, but they really help build stabilisation muscles.
