just starting

I am new and very excited about this site. It seems so easy to track food and activity. I would love any suggestion and support.
I have a long road but I do feel optimistic.


  • I am new too! I just googles calorie tracker and found this site! Its easy and stress free! I think this will help me reach my goal so much easier!:wink: goodluck!
  • Another newbie. My daughter directed me to this site and I love it. It's similar to Weight Watchers where you calculate points and I need the structure of seeing what I've eaten and what I can eat during a day. I'm pretty excited about this.
  • I'm new too!! It really makes you think before eating something knowing you have to write it down. I love that the computer figures up the calories for me! Good luck to us all!! :)
  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member
    Me too :o) This has been the least complicated and most motivating site I have found so far. Good luck to you all!
  • Just heading out before the Blizzard to pick up a fit bit...I've heard good things about combining both my fitness pal and fit bit for activity accountability...I'll keep you posted