
Set up on here as wanting to get into shape and the Mrs has told me ita good.
Looking for motivational and inspirational people to help with the journey.
Please feel free to add
Cheers :)


  • BSdevon
    BSdevon Posts: 77
    Hi guy, Im new myself on MYFITPAL.. I posted on the message board but it was dry as sand lol - as in no replies but its cool, we dont worry for stuff like that. Anyway I added you here hope, will share tips, food, exercise etc and motivate others in the community!

    Good luck on your Journey Pal.
  • Kevinkpcc55
    Kevinkpcc55 Posts: 20 Member
    By signing up on here, you have made the commitment, logging the daily inputs and outputs helps, and makes your conscious of what you need to do to lose weight................ good luck on the journey