abdominal reduction

After my pregnancy, i have alot of weight around my belly.
i just started my weight loss gym etc and am doing ab crunches etc.
does the belly ever really go? when does one notice the change? sometime you just feel u are swearing and there is no out come.
depressing on most days.
i know its not a magic pill that i work out for a month and i should see changes but is there any specific excercie that will help me get results quicker?


  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    I guess it comes down to how your diet is, as well. Training hard and eating right is the right path to it.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    You can't spot reduce, unfortunately.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    You can't spot reduce but excess weight on your stomach is mostly down to your diet. I've tried for months to lose my stomach, it only started getting flatter when I changed my food to mostly clean, cut down alcohol and started 16:8.

    I also swear by walking as exercise. I do nothing else except Pilates when I feel like it.
  • reach4thestar
    reach4thestar Posts: 174 Member
    Circuit training and lots of planks help......
  • newsharonkay
    newsharonkay Posts: 37 Member
    I too have a lot of belly fat and mine is like a full apron hanging down. I am working with a trainer and she says we can't spot lose like someone before me said. We measured yesterday for the first time since I started and I only lost 1/4 inch off my belly but I lost 4 1/4 inches all over. She told me that it will slowly come off because it was where I have had to extra body fat for so long. I lost 1% body fat and only 1 pound. I was sad but am willing to go on. Something has to eventually happen because I am eating way less and exercising more than I ever had. I just want by belly to be gone. Wanna hook up as friends and encourage each other?
  • stephv38
    stephv38 Posts: 203 Member
    Yep, that is a common trouble area for women. There have been alot of posts about this, you may want to search the message boards too for more helpful info. Whole body core strengthening has been pretty successful for me. Weighted squats, deadlifts and medicine ball work. Kettlebell is really helping my middle as well as true intense HIIT training. I believe the combo of good nutrition and breaking a sweat is critical for us moms trying to beat the tummy fat. By the way, I do not do any traditional ab work laying on my back. May start, but I have damaged ab muscles from my pregnancies and it makes it worse!
  • nyinspiredsalon
    I actually have seen results by watching my consumption of sugar. I was told by a nutritionist even have to watch how much fruit I eat. The natural forms can spike insulin which in turn can turn to fat.The biggest culprit is some yogurts have high amounts of sugar; we have switched to plain low fat greek yogurt and add small amount of fresh fruit. Also one serving of fruit a day which includes juice.