1lb lost in 7 weeks

Hi all

Have been a member for ages now but have never posted, but today I need to as Im at the end of my dieting tether! I have been running 5k, and walking 5k, 4 times a week for 7 weeks and teaming that with eating 1200-1500 net calories per day. I also do situps, side bends and chest press weights 4 times a week too.

I weighed myself 7 weeks ago, 78.6kg, and today at the gym I decided to do it again, expecting to see a good deal off. However, it was 78.1kg, I couldn't hide my disappointment and burst into tears!

What am I doing wrong? Please advise, the trainer at the gym said "some people take longer to lose weight" and that I should up my cardio to about 45 mins and keep the diet going.

Really at a loss here.



  • ajbloomu
    ajbloomu Posts: 16
    Have you lost fat and gained muscle? I mean physically how do you look now compared to then. If you are working out that hard and that much you may have gained significant muscle mass.
  • clten
    clten Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I do look a little bit smaller, have definitely lost some inches which is why I was expecting to see a loss on the scale. I would like to think I have replaced some fat with muscle, but I am unsure what to do now in order to lose kgs.

    Should I just keep on going or do I increase my cardio and do less weight related things?

  • ajbloomu
    ajbloomu Posts: 16
    For me exercising less while still dieting (which I did at the beginning of my plan) worked best. I slimmed down considerably by mostly dieting, once I started exercising regularly the weight loss slowed dramatically. Sticking with cardio won't build as much muscle so you could do with that, but I would definitely walk with a doctor or nutritionist for a professional's opinion. You want to do this the right way.