Runners: Foot pain on top foot bones

goshnames Posts: 359 Member
I run almost every day. I used to run about 10k/day. I've had to slow it down because of pain in the bones on the top of my feet (especially my big toe bones). At first, as soon as I put on my shoes, it would start hurting...but there was very little to no pain when my running shoes were not on my feet.

I found a temporary solution: I unlaced my shoes so that the laces don't cross over the tops of my feet. The laces go from the first loop, all the way up to the last loop, with no laces touching the middle/top of my feet. I don't experience any pain this way.

Any ideas what this is from? Is it my shoes or my feet? Do you think buying new shoes might solve the problem or will I end up having to unlace a new pair of shoes as well? Other info: I overpronate (I know because the inside edges of my big toes are calloused) and I sometimes knock my knees when I run. Could it be a form issue?


  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    If changing the way you lace your shoes means the pain goes away, I'd say it's almost certainly the shoes. You probably need more room in the toe box and may even need to go up a half size. I have found that as I increased my running mileage I have moved up a full shoe size!
  • BradD13
    BradD13 Posts: 10
    Well, have you ever had an ankle sprain before? If not then that's probably what it is and the pain's just radiating.

    And if you're pretty sure that's not what it is, than I would feel the area surrounding where it hurts most and if it feels like there's fluid there, then you could have fractured a metatarsal, but if it's not too incredibly bad, there's really not much doctors can do for you unless, like I said, it's you have multiple fractures on the same bone.

    It could even be a strain on any of the smaller ligaments or extensor tendons in your foot. If it becomes too painful, see a doctor, but I wouldn't be immediately concerned if flexing isn't overly excruciating. I personally use WalkFit to take care of my foot pain. It’s really simple to apply and use and the pain usually goes away after an hour of using it.

    But if it's just nerve pain and you haven't actually damaged anything, I'd give WalkFit a try. It's probably one of the only insoles that helped relieve my foot pain when all the other over the counter stuff didn't quite cut it for me. There's an in-depth review of it here:

    Aside from that, do lots of stretches! Hang in there!