Question about goal weights



  • vgirl21
    vgirl21 Posts: 37
    So awesome to hear everyone's stories :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I think having a goal weight is not really ideal. You can have any number of people at the same weight and they're going to have different body could be lean and fitness body...another could be muscular athletic body and yet another could have little muscle whatsoever and be "skinny" but at a higher % of BF.

    Personally, a goal BF% and body composition should be the goal, not an arbitrary scale number. Besides, by most of the sites out there that tell me what my goal weight should be...tell me I'm currently overweight. Whatever...they're not taking into account my muscle weight. If I actually got down to the weight most of those sites give me, I'd be a bean pole and have to drop a lot of muscle...and I'm not even a big guy...pretty average really.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    My goal weight is 135lbs. I picked it because, my weight used to fluctuate between 125-135lbs. I have pictures of what I looked like then and once I get closer to 135lbs, I will work on trying to get my composition back to what it was or better. For now though, I still have a long way to go before I get to that weight.

    When you are close to/in the healthy range, then I think it should be more about body composition (BF%) than the number on the scale.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    One little minor nit to think about is which school of thought you will follow as far as weighing. Many of us weigh daily and count the lowest number seen as current weight as long as we see it again or go below within a week or so. The idea is that this is body weight and you can't be below; you just often see numbers influenced by water weight and more than usual "in the pipeline" that are spikes to be ignored. Others weigh daily and don't ignore the spikes, but average them in, sometimes using a moving average. And finally some people weigh weekly and record it without knowing for sure whether it is a spike or not. Since weight can spike up and down over 5 pounds (even the first thing in the morning weight) the people who average or use a random (within the range) weight will generally be recording slightly higher numbers than those of us that disregard spikes. Anyway, even though I ignore spikes while tracking, I am aiming a little below calculated goal to sort of account for them.
  • Megadautilus
    Too be totally honest I figure can I cut about 10lbs or a little less before competing, and while I am training no point in going 100% year round as it will take away from recovery and general level of mental energy pacing. So I added 5lbs on top of 10lbs or so of water weight (or a little bit of extra fat). Since I want to attempt to compete at 125lb, I just added the 5lbs of growing space and 10lbs or so of the "cut weight" and that gave me 140 lbs.
  • bananananamilk
    My goal is 60 kg because that was the weight I was at the beginning of high school and looking back on the pictures I looked pretty cute back then. According to BMI it's right at the end of the healthy scale.