Monster Energy Drinks?



  • I started drinking them and got supper addicted and developed a nervous disorder and had to go to the er a couple times because of high heart rates, I developed a crazy fear of dieing and couldn't sleep cause I was afraid I wouldn't be able to walk up.. its been about two years since I had one and all my symptoms are gone.

    I could just be allergic to something in it, but hey I think when something has a warning label its best to consume with caution.
  • jimbo2180
    jimbo2180 Posts: 66 Member
    I dont know how you drink any of them. it plays hazard with my stomach :S
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Energy drinks are only a problem if you have an heart issue to begin with...

    My pre workout supplements have more caffine than a Monster Energy BFC... I miss them...
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Yep. Monster Energy Drinks are bad for your lifestyle change. There are a couple of things that make this product not so good for people trying to maintain a healthy metabolism and working on weight loss. First and foremost it is loaded with sugar. Second, it is loaded with caffeine. I don't know the specifics of the other ingredients in it, but I am betting that they are not the best for you.

    The amount of sugar in these drinks will not burn off while you are hanging out with your friends. It will find its way into fat stores and help you to keep weight on. It will also spike your insulin levels and cause you to dump out on the tail end, making you tired. This up and down causes your body to bottom metabolically.

    The caffeine will help to dehydrate you, also slowing down your metabolism.

    Zero sugar energy drinks are full of artificial sweeteners. I have done this myself, at points. I've allowed myself the "luxury" of diet sodas and soft drinks. They keep me thinking that sweeter is better and I also start to forget that everything about the artificial sweeteners is unhealthy for me. Drink your water!!!

    Your best bet is to drink water. It has zero calories, no sugar, keeps you hydrated, etc. Even drinking sweet drinks like Monster or Coke, etc. will keep your brain and body thinking that unnatural readily available processed sugars are acceptable.

    Your energy should be coming from food, exercise, and sleep.

    LMAO at the bolded

    First what is DNL?

    Second, whoopsie

    The effect of caffeine, green tea and tyrosine on thermogenesis and energy intake
    Results: Caffeine induced a thermogenic response of 6% above baseline value (72±25 kJ per 4 h, mean±s.e.) compared to placebo (P<0.0001)

    Conclusions: Only caffeine was thermogenic in the given dose and caused no haemodynamic side effects.



    caffeine acts as an appetite suppressant. this is good.
    the Brits produced a study that seemed to indicate that caffeine pre-workout allowed for a faster run. this is good.
    university of illinois study basically concluded that you can do more reps at a higher resistance and run further, faster with caffeine. this is good.
  • I used to drink 3-4 cans of absolutely zero a day. I have since brought it down to one a day in the afternoon when i am at work. i dont like the taste of coffee so its a little pick me up for long afternoons. I know drinking as much as i used to is bad, but i dont think one a day is going to kill me.
  • Surfrider
    Surfrider Posts: 364 Member
    Just buy some caffiene pills if you want the "energy" without all the crap that's loaded in the drinks. Cheaper too!!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I've recently started drinking Verve! energy drinks, from vemma. The foundational vemma formula is a very healthy vitamin, mangosteen and aloe blend. The energy drinks combine that with only 5g natural sweeteners and lightly carbonated spring water for a really good tasting, healthy energy drink.

    Besides the great product (official energy drink of Charlotte Bobcats, Phoenix Suns; used by ABC's Chris Powell in his diet plan, and more), there is a network opportunity that is EXCEPTIONAL for the Fitness and Young People's demographics. But my motivation is to get people to try the products, that's all. I feel BETTER since drinking the vemma products. Message me if interested in either, (product - I can send free samples or opportunity).

    If you're already drinking Monster, 5-hour energy, Red Bull, etc. this product is for you. For a little more per month you can get a lot healthier product.

    Post count = 1

    "Message me for an opportunity"

    Sounds legit. :noway:
  • Right on Bence! And her parents are suing? Thats like suing the cattle industry if your husband drops dead of a heart attack, 30 years after eating a 24oz porterhouse steak every night for dinner and then sues the meat industry complaining there was no warning on the meat package. Whats next? Do we start putting dental warnings on candy bars? "Walk at your own risk" signs when the light is red at the intersection you want to walk across?

    We really need a group of passionate people who know how to create blogs and websites that can go viral to create something about passing laws to curtail a lawyers right to sue. True story: A man lost his house to a robber who broke into his home, got shot and fell over something sharp and cut himself badly. They awarded the robber damages and now this man has no home!!!

    As far as Monster and other energy ddrinks we are going to hear about a lot more deaths as people use them to stay awake when partying with alcohol and of course the real numb nuts out there who use cocaine and 2 or 3 energy drinks at one time because they cant feel much with all the cocaine circulating around.

    THE OVER 50'S: I am in this group, and as I write now I am sipping on a Monster rehab lemonade. to me the only energy drink that doesnt have enough acid to rot your teeth. Wait till you see the dental epidemic coming to your theater soon from all the enamel that gets worn off from these drinks.You guys cant taste that acid!!!!!!? See, once you are in your 50's and you start depending on even one energy drink in the morning, even exercising every day wont rid your body of that need to get an '*kitten*-kicking" every morning by its pancreas and adrenals to get you tobe able to even want to exercise. It gets worse. After a couple of yrs on energy drinks(3 for me) you dont want to go to work or exercise or whatever in the morning so you now up it to 2 cans.

    Wait its getting worse...................Once you get to 2 cans of the high octane stuff (160 mg caffeine per can) then you start developing insomnia, or worsened insomnia so yu now cant get to lseep normally (within 30 min) so you ask your doctor for a sleep aid and now you are on Ambien(right here.Hello.) to get to sleep. Then when you wake up, you feel drugged from the ambien and now you may need a 3rd can of energy drink. If you are doing other drugs in between thses 2 things, you may find you are on a slow but steady road to a detox center.

    PAIN KILLERS: I have severe back pain from a ruptured disc and my doctor has me on 8 tramadol per day. Do you think I can even wake up in the morning without an energy drink. Do you think I remember what drug free(that means caffeine and all prescription meds too!) is like. No. It probably started out in childhood like most kids in the 60's who were drinking a quart of cola per day which is about 2 cups of coffee and just switched over to coffee as an adult.

    Wait it gets worse.......I claim that if the entire country got off energy drinks,caffeine supplements,coffee) all at once, we would have a slow down in productivity that would cause the country to go into a recession. Why? Because when you are drinking 4 glasses of soda starting at age 9 or 10 and are on energy drinks at age 40 or older, you think you can just "man it out" and your body in a few days will go back to normal? No way!!!! Some people will need many, many weeks, other months, some years and some people will never get off caffeine. DOES ANYONE AGREE?
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Yea... I gained a good 20-30 pounds off of Monster alone... but I drank 2-3 cans a day for years.

    If you can't do it in moderation, don't do it :)
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