40 yrs old. Looking to drop weight after baby #5

MummyDB Posts: 106 Member
Hi. Had some really good success with MFP prior to baby # 5 pregnancy.
Very sick in preg. Hyper emesis. Gest diabetes. Bells palsy. So had not logged on for
A lot of months. Baby now almost 5 months old. And finally feeling like I can
get back at it. Found that most of my previous friends deleted. Understandably as I was AWOL.

At any rate trying to get back at it again. Looking to drop 40 lbs.


  • emilyjeanbeans
    Its nice to see someone else in a similar situation. I get so sick when I'm pregnant and it doesn't let up any until about 6 months along (I'm usually bed-ridden until then and have to get help from family and friends at church to get through it.) With my last pregnancy, I was put back on bed rest and medication for the last month because I kept going into labor. My husband and I feel strongly that we should have more children but can't until things get under control with my health and with his job situation.
    This is my first time doing online support. You said you've done MFP before; how did you do it? What helped you get through the rough times? With 5 children, I know you're very busy and its probably pretty difficult finding time for yourself. How is your little one? Sleeping through the night yet?
  • MummyDB
    MummyDB Posts: 106 Member
    Hi. Just saw your post.

    We too relied very heavily on our church family. Kids to and from school. Meals literally for months. I've been pretty sick each pregnancy. Worse each time. But this last one takes the cake.

    Baby is sleeping thru the night. Much of the reason why I feel I'm somewhat ready to get back at it.

    I very consistently logged onto MFP for about 6 months. Lost 20 lbs. then all if a sudden stopped loosing. Tweaked my eating and exercise. Nothing seemed to work. Then started feeling sick and soon after found out I was expecting # 5. I very soon after that had to stop working. (last June). Mostly lost weight on my pregnancy due to the hyper emesis. Then in Oct got bells palsy. Than landed me basically in bed 20 hrs a day pretty much till baby was born end of Jan.

    Dec found out I had gestational diabetes. It was all pretty much a train wreck.

    I found MFP very helpful. In that it kept me very aware and accountable to what I was eating. That coupled with seeing the pounds slowly come off. Kept me motivated to keep going. I found once I got into a routine of exercise it became just a part of what I did each day. I'm not back there yet. But a start is logging my food again. A big one for me and something that seems to make a difference is cutting down on sugar.

    One other thing I plan to start back at is smoothies or fruit for breakfast. Making sure I eat breakfast. As I have a terrible habit of skipping it. That's a no no. And sticking to fruit for the morning.

    Please add me if you like. :-). We shall see where this journey takes me.

    Thanks for commenting.