My birthday wish....

sunbug501 Posts: 180
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Why can't any of you live closer to me?! lol I need a running partner! like coach?

I have always wanted to be able to just get up and go running for a couple miles...without dying!... I have never been much of a runner my entire life (even when I played sports in school)...right now I'm lucky if I make it 4 blocks...ugh...I feel like I'll never get in shape...and its so hard for me to stay motivated!! :grumble: I try so hard to get myself pumped up to go out there and push myself...and then it just..doesn't work...

I dont understand! Does anyone else ever feel this way? I am so sick of being this size!!! It has been so long since I have been even remotely close to feeling like I am in shape that I dont even remember what it is like to feel pretty anymore! (yes i know, i'm beautiful on the inside...)...but you know what i mean:ohwell:

My birthday is less than 2 weeks away....25..woohoo lol...This is what I would like for my birthday...

Can someone please give me a big kick in the booty and get my non-motivated...self-conscious...insecure...ridiculously lonely and pathetic self out there and make me work harder?!

I am so mad at myself! :explode:

Happy birthday to me...Happy birthday to me..
I wish I could just get motivated...
What a gift that would be!!!!

*sigh* ok...complaint session over with...i will be quiet now:grumble:



  • sunbug501
    sunbug501 Posts: 180
    Why can't any of you live closer to me?! lol I need a running partner! like coach?

    I have always wanted to be able to just get up and go running for a couple miles...without dying!... I have never been much of a runner my entire life (even when I played sports in school)...right now I'm lucky if I make it 4 blocks...ugh...I feel like I'll never get in shape...and its so hard for me to stay motivated!! :grumble: I try so hard to get myself pumped up to go out there and push myself...and then it just..doesn't work...

    I dont understand! Does anyone else ever feel this way? I am so sick of being this size!!! It has been so long since I have been even remotely close to feeling like I am in shape that I dont even remember what it is like to feel pretty anymore! (yes i know, i'm beautiful on the inside...)...but you know what i mean:ohwell:

    My birthday is less than 2 weeks away....25..woohoo lol...This is what I would like for my birthday...

    Can someone please give me a big kick in the booty and get my non-motivated...self-conscious...insecure...ridiculously lonely and pathetic self out there and make me work harder?!

    I am so mad at myself! :explode:

    Happy birthday to me...Happy birthday to me..
    I wish I could just get motivated...
    What a gift that would be!!!!

    *sigh* ok...complaint session over with...i will be quiet now:grumble:

  • Lavendersunday
    Lavendersunday Posts: 458 Member
    has been granted :happy: .

    Teach your son to ride a small bike with training wheels...then simply keep up with him.

    As he gains speed and will you!

    He can be "your trainer". :wink:

    ~Namaste :flowerforyou:
  • sunbug501
    sunbug501 Posts: 180
    has been granted :happy: .

    Teach your son to ride a small bike with training wheels...then simply keep up with him.

    As he gains speed and will you!

    He can be "your trainer". :wink:

    ~Namaste :flowerforyou:

    what a cute idea! lol. Thanks! :bigsmile:
  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    Sunbug! If you want some motivation for running, check out the runner's club on the exercise boards. All of the folks there are ridiculously supportive and ready with any encouragement. There are all levels of people there. Some ladies are working on the Couch to 5k program. Have you ever heard of it? It's a combination of running and walking to eventually work up to a 5k. I'm on temporary hiatus because of a dumb accident, but hope to be up and running soon. I never feel better than after a good run. Hang in there. You ARE beautiful. 25 years old? Happy birthday to you, you young thang!
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    I hear ya Sun. Last year I ran w/ a buddy and could not keep up. It was embarrassing. I was running at home on the treadmill and thought I could do it. Wrong answer. I run a mile on the treadmill as much as possible but, I too can only seem to muster up a block or two.

    I feel that if I run walk run walk it has to be better than staying in bed. How about we start our own MFP half runners club. The ladies on the runners club R awesome 3 -7 miles a day. If I could do that I probably would erase my manboobs and gut.

    HAng in there Sun I'm with ya. Dont B quiet that is what this place is here for.

    Happy Bday:flowerforyou:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Well, I do better if I run, and then rush back excited to log in on the runner's links! Maybe just sign in here with a, "Hokay I'm going to do 30 minutes of running..." And then go!!! Come back and post! It helps keep me moving and I think about it when I am wanting to give up...Uggg...I promised no less than "x" running...keep moving legs!!!

    Whatcha think? You can do it!!!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member

    Last year at this time I was 54 pounds heavier then what I am now. I hated the way I looked in pictures & I hated the way clothes looked on me.

    My blood pressure was going up & I wasn't even 40-years-old (then..:grumble: ) One day I just decided I was sick of looking & feeling like I did & wanted to change (that was my motivation!)

    You sound like your at that point too. :drinker:

    Motivation has to come from within, but your support, encouragement & love you will find here in abundance! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    So start becoming the person you want to be!!! :drinker:
  • sunshine92
    sunshine92 Posts: 228 Member
    hey girl! please don't beat yourself up! Just believe in yourself and your abilities! So what you can only run 4 blocks now? You can change that! Keep jogging/running a little more each day and before you know it, you'll be able to run those couple miles! I prolly couldn't have run more than that a few months ago! and right now i can only do about a mile before i have to take a break. I just got on the treadmill for about 20 min 3 or 4 times a week and built myself up. I'm still workin on it! Make sure your eating a healthy diet , and eat some protein about 30 min before you run so you'll have some energy! And remember YOU CAN DO IT! Anyway... what are you doing to lose weight? I went on a diet around last October and lost 20 lbs. then i went on South Beach and lost another 5-7.
  • sunbug501
    sunbug501 Posts: 180
    Thanks for the words of wisdom all!!! That's why I love this place so much!!!!

    OK. TODAY...I am going to run...and probably walk lol...and I will report back to let you know how it goes. I am depending on all of you to hold me accountable! :bigsmile:

    I dont know what I would do without you guys to keep me in line!

    HUGS to all of you!

    :heart: Jen

    amazing how just a few posts from some great people can totally change your outlook!
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    is today your bday sweetie????? a fellow cancerian!!!!! Happy Bday!!!
  • sunbug501
    sunbug501 Posts: 180
    is today your bday sweetie????? a fellow cancerian!!!!! Happy Bday!!! birthday is July 15th...but thanks!!! When is yours?
  • ty_bradley01
    ty_bradley01 Posts: 321
    Happy ALMOST birthday Jen!!!

    You are very beautiful....and I know you have the strength inside to push yourself. You rock my friend!

    *gives you one swift kick in the booty*..what? told me too! :laugh:

  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    Happy ALMOST birthday Jen!!!

    You are very beautiful....and I know you have the strength inside to push yourself. You rock my friend!

    *gives you one swift kick in the booty*..what? told me too! :laugh:


    Ty she meant verbally now go sit in the corner w/Soup.
  • ty_bradley01
    ty_bradley01 Posts: 321
    Happy ALMOST birthday Jen!!!

    You are very beautiful....and I know you have the strength inside to push yourself. You rock my friend!

    *gives you one swift kick in the booty*..what? told me too! :laugh:


    Ty she meant verbally now go sit in the corner w/Soup.

    haha yes, but that isn't as much fun!

    :bigsmile: :wink:
  • sunbug501
    sunbug501 Posts: 180
    HAHA. Thanks Ty :wink:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    ((((((((jen)))))))))'re gonna get there....we all will!

    I think your awesome!...and just keep takin' those steps...and get where you need too:wink: ....we're here for you sista!!!

    hugs and hope this bday rocks!
    Ali :flowerforyou:
  • sunbug501
    sunbug501 Posts: 180
    ((((((((jen)))))))))'re gonna get there....we all will!

    I think your awesome!...and just keep takin' those steps...and get where you need too:wink: ....we're here for you sista!!!

    hugs and hope this bday rocks!
    Ali :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Ali!!
  • runawaybride
    runawaybride Posts: 400 Member
    Happy almost Birthday and you'll get there don't worry!!!

    It is hard to be our own cheerleaders so anytime you need help just ask!!!!!:flowerforyou:

  • sunbug501
    sunbug501 Posts: 180

    I promised I would come back and update...and I just wanted to let you all know that I ran/walked (mostly walked lol) 2 miles today :bigsmile:

    Woowoo!! Thanks for the swift kick in the booty everyone...I owe you bigtime!!!:smooched:

    :heart: Jen
  • ty_bradley01
    ty_bradley01 Posts: 321
    :drinker: Yeah Jen! You rock my friend....I knew you would get out there and do it!

    I'm willing to uh..kick your booty anytime :laugh:

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