Lost the motivation, craving sugar and overeating!!

Hi i am new to putting up a topic, however i am totally at my wits end with myself! I am 6 foot tall and currently weight 72.5kg. I would ideally love to get down to 65kg. I have lost approx 14kgs before i started on my fitness pal and everything was going great, exercising 6 days a week and loving my new diet changes. My husband has recently started working away and i thought that it would be easier for me to plan my meals and not have the temptation of eating the foods that i cook and buy for my husband and i haven't actually been cooking a great deal and have not been buying the foods that i would normally for him (My husband has the fastest metabolism you have ever seen, eats absolutely anything and always looks amazing).
However i find myself craving my favorite sugar - chocolate coated licorice at around 10 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon and then after dinner i go looking in the pantry or the fridge for something sweet or anything really, last night i cooked myself pancakes for dessert and then i find myself over eating!
I used to get up in the morning at 5 and have a 30 minute workout and when i get home from work i would either jump on the bike or do some zumba and on the weekends i would go for a 30 - 60 minute run or walk. Now i find myself not being able to get up of the morning and when i get home i am just too exhausted from work to worry and i am now giving into my temptations and now not game to get on the scales! I suppose the upside is i have still been drinking my 2 litres of water a day and i drink loads of green tea.
My normal diet in a day is :
Breakfast - Oats, Almond Milk, Chia Seeds, Kiwi fruit or Banana
Snacks - Mandarins and Apples
Lunch - Green salad with chickpeas
Dinner - Stir fried veggies
I should also mention that i am a vegetarian.
Does anyone have an suggestions on a new diet that might help crave my sugar cravings and how to get my motivation back......PLEASE!!!!


  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    You're eating an almost 100% carbohydrate diet. When I was vegetarian, I did the same thing, and I was always hungry, and always craved sweets. Up your protein and fat.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Protein keeps the hunger pains away for me.
  • MrsLMKing
    MrsLMKing Posts: 50 Member
    I agree...more protein and fat is definitely important. Your body needs them and will crave them if it doesn't get them...so, you can either choose to eat HEALTHY proteins and fats, or you can crave them and potentially give in to unhealthy cravings. :(

    I would also say that perhaps you should consider treating yourself...in a controlled manner? The whole point is to make healthy changes in your life that you can actually stick to. If your favorite sweet is chocolate-covered licorice, and if you continue on a diet that won't allow you to have it EVER, it will be hard for you to stick to it. Take it from me. :( I'm always the one who starts a highly restrictive diet...then, once I give in to my cravings a couple of times, the whole diet goes to hell.

    Why not exercise a little bit extra or maybe cut calories from another part of your day so that you can have your chocolate-covered licorice every now and then? Also, try to think of other sweets that you can enjoy that might not kill your diet. Really, sweets aren't that bad when they are consumed in moderation...
  • Thank you very much for your replies as you have been exceptionally helpful. I have re assessed my diet as of today upon doing a lot of research over the weekend of foods that i could eat. So i suppose only time will tell and funnily enough i got up this morning and did 30 minutes of circuit and 30 minutes on the bike Thanks heaps again for your input :)
  • Hi,
    I just want to say thanks for posting up this topic and for the advice everyone gave :) I'd experienced a similar thing, changed my diet, was getting up early to run and had already lost some of the weight I was trying to shift and then I my boyfriend and I had some dramas to face at the same time my uni exams were happening and everything went to hell.
    I started binging almost everyday and was feeling too tired to get up in the mornings and even when I could tell I was full I was still looking for food. Things have gotten better with my boyfriend but my exams are still going on and everything is not the way it was but is better and all the advice everyone has given I am going to implement in my own diet and life and I think it could really help, so thank you!!
