Not loosing, gaining inches and always hungry!

I am very unhappy with my weight loss this far. I am exercising 4 times a week(cardio and weights), sleeping a good 9 hours a night, drinking a gallon of water and not seeing results. In fact, I has .5 inch gain in my arms this week. I am 5'2 in the upper normal range for my height. I would really like to lose around 30lbs but it just isn't happening! Also, I am hungry all the time. I have used MFP in the past and had wonderful results. For some reason, it just isn't working out for me right now. Please look at my journal and give me some advice. I know I have some sloppy days but seriously that is due to having major hunger pain headaches. I had to eat more just to function!!

All advice is welcome! Please help me!


  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    How many calories are you eating? If I eat between 1200-1400 I lose at a good steady rate, but if I go below, my body starts to store and I gain inches and even weight. And I'm always hungry if I go below 1200. And I'm also 5'2".
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276
    Your sodium is always high from what I see and you may not be eating enough calories. Calculate your TDEE it will give you a better idea of how many calories you should eat! HTH :)
  • rosah2
    rosah2 Posts: 40 Member
    I would feel like I was starving on what you are eating. I only looked at today and yesterday in your diary. 6 fish sticks is not dinner. 3 chicken strips and 12 french fries? Hon, where are the vegetables and fruit? I noticed on today's, you are under 1,000 calories. Perhaps you still plan to have a snack before closing it out?

    I think you need to eat more.
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    Well, you're eating 1200 calories which is a teeny tiny diet, and probably making it difficult to stick to. Also, I notice you are over on sodium most days. This can cause you to bloat up quite a bit. (When I was younger I didn't have trouble with this, but at 39 if I go over on sodium I can see it on the scale the next day.)

    You are eating a lot of pre-packaged Trader Joe's frozen meals. I imagine these aren't very satisfying. Also, not particularly high in protein. Try eating more whole foods that you cook yourself, including fruits and vegetables that add fiber and fill you up. Sometimes I graze on vegetables while I'm cooking (that I've already included in my calorie totals anyway) and it keeps me from cheating before dinner.

    More protein, more fiber, less sodium, more real food in your food. Consider raising your overall calorie goal to something you can realistically stick to, like 14-1500. You are in health care and on your feet during the day, yes? You shouldn't set your activity level to sedentary.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    It looks like you are undereating in a major way!
  • obwize
    obwize Posts: 102
    Do you know your lean mass? If you are in a healthy range for your body it is going to be a lot more difficult to lose any more. Make sure to fuel your body by getting enough calories to cover your bmr.

    Other than that... my body often shifts weight around during the beginning of weight loss (I'm sure it is water weight or something, but I don't care too much to figure it out). And this will happen before the scale shifts at all. My waist will usually go down almost an inch, and my hips and chest will each go up an inch. Then as I start to lose they all go down and get the same difference they once were, but for that first couple weeks I just have to ignore what my body is doing and keep going.

    Good luck to you!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Without fail everyone goes to sodium first.. /facepalm.

    Eat a higher protein diet, vary your exercise... and start looking into food nutrition and figure what works for you rather than starving yourself and having people tell YOU what to do will work.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    A few questions:

    How long have you been doing this routine? When was the last time you saw either pounds or inches lost?

    What kind of weights routine are you doing and how long have you been doing it?

    How much do you weigh?

    Do you use a food scale to weigh your food and measuring cups for free-pouring liquids?

    Your protein is really low and so is your calorie goal. Try either going to the TDEE method or setting MFP to lose 1 lb per week instead of 2. I'm not at all surprised that you're starving on 1200 calories, especially if you're lifting.
  • broscientist
    broscientist Posts: 102 Member
    If that is a current picture of you in your avatar, you don't look like you need to lose 30lbs.

    BMI = is complete bull****. Don't try to base what your weight should be by following it.

    Try using bf% instead.
    You can buy those cheap calipers or just use tape measurements.
    Here is one of many site to check your bf via tape measurement:

    As far as gaining weight / inches:
    As long as you are accurately counting calories and on a deficit, it's probably just water weight.

    As for your appetite, keep in mind that the leaner you get, the harder the body will fight you. One of these way is to increase your hunger. There are various strategies to deal with appetite control.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    When I first joined I tried to do the 1200 calories they recommended and after about a week I realized I was hungry all of the time, felt like crap, and it was just ridiculous. You don't have to restrict yourself to that number.
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    Dude, you need to eat REAL FOOD.
    Make your own food. Add veggies and more fruits, smoothies, nuts. And not only do you need to eat real food, but you need to eat more. Raise your calories in 100 calorie intervals. Aim for 1500-1700. With all this working out you do, you should be fine.
  • CarolElaine25
    You are eating a lot of pre-packaged Trader Joe's frozen meals. I imagine these aren't very satisfying. Also, not particularly high in protein. Try eating more whole foods that you cook yourself, including fruits and vegetables that add fiber and fill you up. Sometimes I graze on vegetables while I'm cooking (that I've already included in my calorie totals anyway) and it keeps me from cheating before dinner.
    I was eating Trader Joe's prepackaged frozen meals for lunch for awhile, and, while I love them (as frozen meals go, Trader Joe's definitely has some of the better ingredients), I wasn't happy with how much sodium I was getting.

    I now prefer Trader Joe's microwaveable veggies in the refrigerated section (the asparagus and teeny tiny potatoes specifically). The asparagus and brussel sprouts (which I don't like unless they're tossed with dressing) are easy to pop in the microwave, are low in sodium, amazingly good for you and you can easily eat the entire package with not a lot of calories added. The potatoes have more calories, so with those I like eat half a package at a time. I like to pair the veggies with Trader Joe's baked tofu, since I'm vegetarian, but any lean protein will go well with it.

    Once I cut way back on my sodium, I noticed the weight started coming off again. And I do not eat low calories. I aim for 1720 calories net a day, which, with exercise, means I can easily eat 2100 calories a day. I'm losing weight slowly, but I am losing weight.
  • miss_melissa_
    I know my sodium looks high but it is set to 1500 which is low compared to most journals. Also, I eat a lot of frozen meals because my cooking skills are poor. When I try cooking, I normally end up at McDonald's because my food taste so gross.

    I have been doing my current exercise for 5weeks. I am do arm machines, eliptical and treadmill. I spent about 90 mins at the gym. Also, I try to take a good 30 mins walk everyday.
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    The only comment I gotta make, that I'm guilty of too, donuts. I see three days that you ate donuts, and one day you ate TWO!

    I love my donuts, All day, every day, but girl. If your only eating 1200 calories, you gotta lay off the donuts.

    Make your meals at home, try eating a little cleaner (and I'm not a clean eating freak, but just a little bit) and eat more. If your working out a lot, your body needs fuel, and 1200 calories isn't enough fuel.
  • akshayam29
    akshayam29 Posts: 44
    Well, you're eating 1200 calories which is a teeny tiny diet, and probably making it difficult to stick to. Also, I notice you are over on sodium most days. This can cause you to bloat up quite a bit. (When I was younger I didn't have trouble with this, but at 39 if I go over on sodium I can see it on the scale the next day.)

    You are eating a lot of pre-packaged Trader Joe's frozen meals. I imagine these aren't very satisfying. Also, not particularly high in protein. Try eating more whole foods that you cook yourself, including fruits and vegetables that add fiber and fill you up. Sometimes I graze on vegetables while I'm cooking (that I've already included in my calorie totals anyway) and it keeps me from cheating before dinner.

    More protein, more fiber, less sodium, more real food in your food. Consider raising your overall calorie goal to something you can realistically stick to, like 14-1500. You are in health care and on your feet during the day, yes? You shouldn't set your activity level to sedentary.

    thats true....eating less does not help in loosing weight. Rather than counting your calories focus on your metabolism. eating too few calories lowers your body metabolism. So start adding healthy calories instead of those frozen foods. Start adding sweet potatoes, avocados, small portions of nuts, poultry.....list goes on.....taking healthy calories does not make you gain fat. add green tea to fast up your metabolism.
  • kkattles
    kkattles Posts: 5
    I just had this same conversation with my trainer. First of all you need more healthy proteins(fish,chicken,tofu) cut carbs way down,lots of green veggies, and I was told to stop pre-made foods. If it comes in a box,bag or premixed and cooked it's bad for you. You are working out plenty but your body needs more calories to burn so it can turn the fat into muscle. If u are starving then u are having to many carbs. grab a protein shake for inbetween meals. stock up on almonds. When you shop everything on the outside isles is usually what u want,the middle isles are usually bad for you. hang in there.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I know my sodium looks high but it is set to 1500 which is low compared to most journals. Also, I eat a lot of frozen meals because my cooking skills are poor. When I try cooking, I normally end up at McDonald's because my food taste so gross.

    I have been doing my current exercise for 5weeks. I am do arm machines, eliptical and treadmill. I spent about 90 mins at the gym. Also, I try to take a good 30 mins walk everyday.

    Well, depending on what you're doing for arms that could easily explain the "gain" in inches. When you work the muscles they retain water. Two weeks into starting squats I took measurements and thought I'd gained an inch around my hips. But it was just glycogen and went back down.

    You didn't answer the questions about your weight, whether you've considered the TDEE method, and whether you use a food scale for logging.

    If that's you in your profile you really don't look like you've got 30 lbs to lose. Not by a long shot.
  • miss_melissa_
    Sorry! I use the food scale method for logging. I have a scale and lots of measuring equipment.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I know my sodium looks high but it is set to 1500 which is low compared to most journals. Also, I eat a lot of frozen meals because my cooking skills are poor. When I try cooking, I normally end up at McDonald's because my food taste so gross.

    I have been doing my current exercise for 5weeks. I am do arm machines, eliptical and treadmill. I spent about 90 mins at the gym. Also, I try to take a good 30 mins walk everyday.
    well, for starters i would add more veg to each meal ( tossed salad, roasted veggies, etc), and for your snacks - instead of grabbing a cookie or donut, try fruit / plain yogurt/cheese/eggs/hummus. Even a sandwich would be fine - something like whole grain bread with cheese/chicken/PB&J
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Adding that based on your photo I didn't see an extra 30 lbs anywhere