First weigh in this morning...should I wait?

Good morning! Just weighed in this morning and I think I should wait another day or two for realistic results. I work in a job that can be VERY labor intensive and I worked my butt off yesterday. 6 straight hours of walking, climbing, bending and reaching, and of course sweating (it's what I do best!). I had a couple 10min breaks but you get the point. Scale shows down 7lbs...I wish, but I'm sure that its mainly water. How long before your body would readjust to "normal" and should I change my weigh in?


  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    It is your decision. I take the low weights; it is the body weight. I am eating at a deficit and before long I will pass that number, possibly at another time when I have sweated out a lot of water. But if you do, you have to be prepared to ignore higher swings. That makes some people crazy. It doesn't bother me. I have been at the same weight currently for longer than usual (compared to most weeks, the last few months) and it is largely due to weighing at a very opportune time because of various body processes (nuff said :bigsmile: ), the amount of time since I had eaten and having just returned from a long run. I am also tweaking my diet right now to start losing slower. Some people would freak and think they have a dreaded plateau or can't lose any more. It doesn't bother me; I know this works and it will drop further soon.
  • brixandclay
    Honestly, I'd plug it in and then go from there. Things just fluctuate, and it's hard to say what's "normal" honestly. If I were you, I'd record that 7lbs lost, and then when you get back on the scale next week or in a few days and see that you've gained back 2 or 3 of those pounds, you'll know that you actually lost closer to 4 (for example). Even if it is just water, I'd never pass up on an opportunity to say you lost 7lbs. :)
  • Mjandjt
    Mjandjt Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for the replies...I will use my "loss" for today I guess and I'm starting the 12 pounds in 12 weeks challenge on Friday so I will assume that my body will have settled in by then lol. I was thinking the whole time yesterday that if I did that most days (and survived!) I wouldn't be in this condition in the first place! I was being very slow with starting the exercise routine (most days 60min of walking) since I want this to stick. Ultimately I would love to run and lift but I need to drop some weight first as I've been suffering from a bulging disc pressing on my sciatic nerve and I don't want to not be able to move. Very sore today but I'm going to try to walk and do some stretching because I've been pushing myself to move at least a little every day. I can't even believe I've let myself get to this point...I was almost crying from pain and exhaustion yesterday! But, it's my job, I couldn't give up! Thanks for the advice and support...and of course the motivation I get from stalking your profiles! :wink: