High carb + running = slow weightloss



  • kts3639
    kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
    I've lost 10 lbs in one week of low carb and some waking.
    Fine one more week - im averaging 250-350 right now of my first week and am making good running progress (up to 3.3 miles, half uphill) - if I dont lose at least 5 lbs this week carbs are bye bye

    AT LEAST 5 lbs. in one week?! You are setting yourself up for failure. It seems like you want to say be able to say, "Ah ha! I'm right! Carbs are the devil!" Well, I'm out at this point, good luck on your carb-less journey.

    Ok, sucked me back in. I would venture a guess that a good amount of those 10 lbs. was water weight. According to you, you only have 30 lbs. or so to lose. It slows down when you have less to lose. If you try to lose it incredibly fast, is it going to be sustainable? Healthy? I truly believe that cutting down carbs is going to nothing for you then help you lose some water weight and give you a false sense of fat loss. Carbs do not make you fat, nor do they hinder fat loss. Want the best way to lose fat? Calorie deficit.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    There is a medical term for this. It's called insulin resistance or being prediabetic. When some people eat carbs, their insulin spikes and remains high for the rest of the day. High levels of insulin is well documented as stopping the fat burning process. There is a very cheap simple test you can do to determine if you are insulin resistant. Go to Walgreens and buy a Blood Glucose Meter. It's only 10 dollars.
  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    I find for me that I lose more fat on a lower carb diet. I don't consider myself LOW carb but like to stay under 100 grams total per day. When I eat too much white starches I am more hungry then if I skip them. I'll eat lots of veggies including white & sweet potatoes. I try to get ample protein, and eat healthy fats. You need some carbs to help w/ protein uptake after a workout. ( per a trainer I recently spoke with) I also turn into a Queen 'B' if I get too few carbs. I think it's different for everyone and you have to experiment to see what works best for you.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    There is a medical term for this. It's called insulin resistance or being prediabetic. When some people eat carbs, their insulin spikes and remains high for the rest of the day. High levels of insulin is well documented as stopping the fat burning process. There is a very cheap simple test you can do to determine if you are insulin resistant. Go to Walgreens and buy a Blood Glucose Meter. It's only 10 dollars.

    I don't think "I only lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks" is a reason to suspect insulin resistance.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I find for me that I lose more fat on a lower carb diet. I don't consider myself LOW carb but like to stay under 100 grams total per day. When I eat too much white starches I am more hungry then if I skip them. I'll eat lots of veggies including white & sweet potatoes. I try to get ample protein, and eat healthy fats. You need some carbs to help w/ protein uptake after a workout. ( per a trainer I recently spoke with) I also turn into a Queen 'B' if I get too few carbs. I think it's different for everyone and you have to experiment to see what works best for you.
    How do you know it's fat you're losing since low carb diets tend to depleat the body of water stores?

    And I wouldn't consider myself low carb but people complain I don't eat enough and I usually get around at 200 :S

    It's all about preferences really, people tend to take in different ratios, but I would definately say that most people would think that amount of carbs is to low and considered low carb.
  • kts3639
    kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
    There is a medical term for this. It's called insulin resistance or being prediabetic. When some people eat carbs, their insulin spikes and remains high for the rest of the day. High levels of insulin is well documented as stopping the fat burning process. There is a very cheap simple test you can do to determine if you are insulin resistant. Go to Walgreens and buy a Blood Glucose Meter. It's only 10 dollars.

    I don't think "I only lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks" is a reason to suspect insulin resistance.

    Agreed. 2 lbs. per week is a good loss.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    There is a medical term for this. It's called insulin resistance or being prediabetic. When some people eat carbs, their insulin spikes and remains high for the rest of the day. High levels of insulin is well documented as stopping the fat burning process. There is a very cheap simple test you can do to determine if you are insulin resistant. Go to Walgreens and buy a Blood Glucose Meter. It's only 10 dollars.

    I don't think "I only lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks" is a reason to suspect insulin resistance.

    The test is only 10 dollars and with it, he can 100% confirm if carbs are really holding him back.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    The weight didn't go on suddenly so don't expect it to be gone in a week or two. Food in moderation is the key. Our body need all the essentials to function. Good luck on your journey.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    There is a medical term for this. It's called insulin resistance or being prediabetic. When some people eat carbs, their insulin spikes and remains high for the rest of the day. High levels of insulin is well documented as stopping the fat burning process. There is a very cheap simple test you can do to determine if you are insulin resistant. Go to Walgreens and buy a Blood Glucose Meter. It's only 10 dollars.

    I don't think "I only lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks" is a reason to suspect insulin resistance.

    The test is only 10 dollars and with it, he can 100% confirm if carbs are really holding him back.

    100%? No. No test has a 0% false positive and 0% incorrect negative rate.

    There's a reason physicians don't perform tests if there's no reason to suspect a given issue.
  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    I find for me that I lose more fat on a lower carb diet. I don't consider myself LOW carb but like to stay under 100 grams total per day. When I eat too much white starches I am more hungry then if I skip them. I'll eat lots of veggies including white & sweet potatoes. I try to get ample protein, and eat healthy fats. You need some carbs to help w/ protein uptake after a workout. ( per a trainer I recently spoke with) I also turn into a Queen 'B' if I get too few carbs. I think it's different for everyone and you have to experiment to see what works best for you.
    How do you know it's fat you're losing since low carb diets tend to depleat the body of water stores?

    And I wouldn't consider myself low carb but people complain I don't eat enough and I usually get around at 200 :S

    It's all about preferences really, people tend to take in different ratios, but I would definately say that most people would think that amount of carbs is to low and considered low carb.

    Bodyfat analysis + calipers + my belly gets smaller.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    There is a medical term for this. It's called insulin resistance or being prediabetic. When some people eat carbs, their insulin spikes and remains high for the rest of the day. High levels of insulin is well documented as stopping the fat burning process. There is a very cheap simple test you can do to determine if you are insulin resistant. Go to Walgreens and buy a Blood Glucose Meter. It's only 10 dollars.

    I don't think "I only lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks" is a reason to suspect insulin resistance.

    The test is only 10 dollars and with it, he can 100% confirm if carbs are really holding him back.

    100%? No. No test has a 0% false positive and 0% incorrect negative rate.

    There's a reason physicians don't perform tests if there's no reason to suspect a given issue.

    Also, it means he'd only win 10$ from this bet.
    And he seems real set on that 20$
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    There is a medical term for this. It's called insulin resistance or being prediabetic. When some people eat carbs, their insulin spikes and remains high for the rest of the day. High levels of insulin is well documented as stopping the fat burning process. There is a very cheap simple test you can do to determine if you are insulin resistant. Go to Walgreens and buy a Blood Glucose Meter. It's only 10 dollars.

    I don't think "I only lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks" is a reason to suspect insulin resistance.

    100%? No. No test has a 0% false positive and 0% incorrect negative rate.

    There's a reason physicians don't perform tests if there's no reason to suspect a given issue.

    You obviously don't know what's included in a single test kit. With one kit, you can test 10 times because it comes with 10 samples. Assuming that he screws up the test the first two times, he has 8 more to go.

    Edit: Was typing on phone so it put my response in the wrong place.

  • purdynerdybirdy
    purdynerdybirdy Posts: 20 Member
    More Carbs= More water retention
    Starting new exercise = Even more water retention.

    Conclusion: Water retention.

    Good job on 4 lbs lost in 2 weeks. Healthy pace for weight loss.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You obviously don't know what's included in a single test kit. With one kit, you can test 10 times because it comes with 10 samples. Assuming that he screws up the test the first two times, he has 8 more to go.

  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    You obviously don't know what's included in a single test kit. With one kit, you can test 10 times because it comes with 10 samples. Assuming that he screws up the test the first two times, he has 8 more to go.


    Most prediabetics show no visible symptoms and close 1/3 of the American population is estimated to be insulin resistant, or 70 million people but I understand your comment isn't here to help the OP, just to show how big your EPEEN is. Troll on, Troll.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You obviously don't know what's included in a single test kit. With one kit, you can test 10 times because it comes with 10 samples. Assuming that he screws up the test the first two times, he has 8 more to go.


    Most prediabetics show no visible symptoms and close 1/3 of the American population is estimated to be insulin resistant, or 70 million people but I understand your comment isn't here to help the OP, just to show how big your EPEEN is. Troll on, Troll.

    The answer is not to have everyone run out and buy a $10 home testing kit just in case.

    It also has nothing to do with this thread. There's nothing whatsoever to indicate the OP is insulin resistant. You might as well post it in literally every thread.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    You obviously don't know what's included in a single test kit. With one kit, you can test 10 times because it comes with 10 samples. Assuming that he screws up the test the first two times, he has 8 more to go.


    Most prediabetics show no visible symptoms and close 1/3 of the American population is estimated to be insulin resistant, or 70 million people but I understand your comment isn't here to help the OP, just to show how big your EPEEN is. Troll on, Troll.

    The answer is not to have everyone run out and buy a $10 home testing kit just in case.

    It also has nothing to do with this thread. There's nothing whatsoever to indicate the OP is insulin resistant. You might as well post it in literally every thread.

    Again, show how little you know and raising your EPEEN again. Everyone does get tested but it depend on your age. The guidelines are set by the AMA on when a doctor should perform a test. The OP has already stated that he noticed to be losing more weight on low carbs compared to high carbs, in addition to that, he is 30 pounds overweight. Thirty pounds is at the very low end of obesity, and obesity is known to be very closely related to insulin resistance so he does in fact have good reason to be tested. I believe my EPEEN is now bigger then yours.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    show how big your EPEEN is

    raising your EPEEN again

    I believe my EPEEN is now bigger then yours.

    Well we clearly know which one of us is worried about our "EPEEN." Jesus.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Okay, I guess I took the EPEEN comment too far after the facepalm comment. Hopefully, the OP gives us an update on what he decides to do to get back on topic.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I ate carbs and still loose what do you mean by high????