Feeling really tired.....sleepy

Sipah Posts: 31 Member
So I lost 14 kgs. I am now 88 kgs from 102. But for the past few days I have been feeling really tired and sleepy. Blood pressure is fine. Everything medically checks out normal. My blood sugar is low - 72 mg/dl.

My doc says its my body adjusting to the weight loss. But he had no recommendations on what to do. He isn't all that great and I am currently in South Sudan so I can't do much about it.

Do any of you have any ideas to help?


  • cmstraut
    cmstraut Posts: 15
    Rapid weight lose take a toll on your body. Everything does out of wack and can cause all sorts of symptoms. The best thing to do is make sure you are getting your daily dose of vitamins, minerals, protein, fat, and carbs. Monitor your diet closely to be sure you are getting everything your body needs. It can take 1-2 wks for your body to readjust so be patient.

    One of the common thing to see with rapid weight loss is crazy blood sugar spikes and drops, which is why diabetics can't loose weight too rapidly. Low blood sugar can cause tiredness symptoms and its best to make sure your eat balanced meals throughout the day. I also have low blood sugar and they recommend I eat 4-5x per day. This helps regulate the blood sugar and may help with your tiredness.

    I hope those help, good luck!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Sometimes that happens when we do not eat enough food to fuel our activity level. Are you sure you are eating enough?
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Sometimes that happens when we do not eat enough food to fuel our activity level. Are you sure you are eating enough?

    Agreed. After glancing at your diary (I only looked at the past week) you are eating way too little for a 31 yr. old male. I eat more than you do and lose weight just fine.
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    It looks like you're eating very little and perhaps not getting all the vitamins and minerals you need. Perhaps you should go for a higher calorie goal, like 1600, and supplement with a multivitamin.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You are a male, 31 and eat 1200 cals???? i'm female, perimenopausal at 45 and eat loads more than you do and still lose weight....EAT something!!