females with 100lbs to lose!

togobug Posts: 48 Member
Hi! I'm looking for some girls who want to be strong motivators. I'm 24, married, new mommy of a beautiful 5 month old weighing in at 214. I have an open diary but don't worry if you don't its cool. so feel free to add me or add yourself to my post so we can all make friends for long term support!


  • togobug
    togobug Posts: 48 Member
  • SavingSarah41
    SavingSarah41 Posts: 39 Member
    Friend request sent!!! Anyone can add me!! I love making new friends!! I have 100+ to lose and am down 15 already!!!
  • Jas_cutesie
    Jas_cutesie Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 21 A mother of a almost two year old girl I was weighing at 270 in January and I'm down to 254 as of today. I wish you the best in your weight loss journey! Always have faith in your self even on your bad days :-)
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    Hi! 25 yr old female with a desk job, 75 lbs to lose, and no kids. Feel free to add me!
  • Gumbomama11
    Gumbomama11 Posts: 8 Member
    I am a 38 year old with a 2 1/2 daughter with over 100 to lose. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Mommylicous
    Mommylicous Posts: 121 Member
    HI everyone! :) 21, mother of a soon to be 2 year old, and I've now got 95 lbs to lose.. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Hi All, I'm a 46 yo mother of many (9), youngest 8yo & oldest 26! I'm 276lb., wanting to lose 116lbs & just starting my journey again after a long pause. Looking forward to cheering & being cheered on our path to a healthier life! Please add me!!
  • ckasap
    ckasap Posts: 60 Member
    Hi! I'm 33, no kids (except two dogs and a cat), and I have closer to 200lbs to lose but I'm taking it a little at a time! I'm trying to think in 10lb increments instead of the big picture which is a touch overwhelming. Feel free to add me! (Also, how would I add someone back?)
  • togobug
    togobug Posts: 48 Member
    you have to go to their profile and there will be a add friend button at the top next to the pictures
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    26 years old, no kids, 80/90lb lost so far, and am happy to have more friends! Feel free to add me :D
  • Heyy guys I'm 20 years old and I'm also looking to lose 100+ pounds and I've lost 20 pounds already please feel free to add me!!:):)
  • HuneeBunee08
    HuneeBunee08 Posts: 168
    same here. 23 feel free to add me as well everyone :-)
  • SassyFlowerLady
    SassyFlowerLady Posts: 12 Member
    28. Stay at home mom. 2yr old daughter. I have at least 110lbs to loose right now. Feel free to add me :) Any and all are welcome to actually!
  • mama0297
    mama0297 Posts: 2
    Hi to all! My name is Marilyn and I have diabetes II, high cholesterol and my health is going down hill. I weigh 262 as of right now and am at a loss as to getting motivated to move. I used to go to a gym but now I can't afford it or have a car to get there. Sounds like I have the opportunity to walk everywhere, but I am not motivated at all. I know what I should or even can do....the motivation is lacking, even with my health deteriorating. Yes, I also suffer from depression. Come to think of it I did best when I had a trainer, but that is not an option either. Well, any ideas, comments, and friends to make....I am open!