Do you have a vision or goal board?

I'm thinking about doing one of these and love seeing what others have done. Do you have one? Does it help in your daily motivation and/or inspiration?


  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    There are a lot of apps which do that.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I've tried doing that for other things in the past, and (for me) it wasn't as helpful/inspirational as I thought it would be. I know some people who love them and swear by them though.

    Mine is more "conceptual"....meaning, I've been at this for just over 2 years, and about a year ago, my husband and I set a "prize" of going to Disney in Florida a week or so ago. He was doing P90X and Insanity workouts, and I was losing weight and wanted to be able to walk around Disney without issue. It was great! BUT - I'm only 2/3 of the way to goal on my weight loss journey. We've set another "goal" to go back to Disney in 2015 or 2016. I'll want to lose the last 60-80 pounds, and get whatever "skin removal surgery" needs to be done before we go, and that should give me enough time to do that.

    Other things include being able to buy clothes from "regular clothing stores" instead of places like Lane Bryant or Catherine's or other "plus size" places, being able to go on amusement park rides and be able to fit (mission accomplished), not have people see just the fat - but the person....etc. etc.

    Do what you have to do to help you keep your eye on the prize - whether it's a vision/goal board, or it's a "concept" thing.
  • SheScraps
    SheScraps Posts: 5 Member
    I wasn't so much thinking an app type vision board but more of wall or bulletin board type thing in your home. I'm not sure it will work for me but it does sound kinda fun just to do. I am trying to figure out what will work for me in terms of staying motivated and inspired. I know many have some sort of incentive in order to reach goals but everything I think of are things that cost money and I just don't have any money to set aside for an incentive. So for now I my incentive is getting rid of this double chin. lol
  • blisser99
    blisser99 Posts: 122 Member
    I have an actual vision board hanging on my closet door. I had so much fun making it. I love crafty stuff especially collages etc. There is a picture of mine in my photos. I would say that I don't really stop to look at it as much as I would like, but when I do it is helpful. I like that little reminder as to why I started this journey. I tend to lose focus sometimes and it brings me back to square one. I think you should go for it.
  • AutumnRed84
    AutumnRed84 Posts: 26 Member
    I am in the process of creating a goal board for me. I am going to setting it up in my office nook I have in my hallway. I will see it all the time. I am going to include: long-term health goals, monthly health goals and daily health goals. Plus a calendar for me to check off when I workout. I am hoping the visual reminder will help motivate me. I also have an area to put some insipirational quotes and a picture of me at my goal weight (to remind me it is possible to get there). I am using metal sheets wrapped in fabric and then using magnets to hang my goals.
  • Siegel15
    Siegel15 Posts: 100 Member
    I made a graff and monthly goal so I can watch the weight come off. It helps me see that I AM on target and it helps me stay focused.
  • epicrockstar24
    I have pictures of me when I was thinner, pictures of models, and a chart tracking my weight, measurements and goals, all on my refrigerator.
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    This will sound corny and I doubt it can fully be achieved but ..
    I visualize Charlize Theron and in my head strive to look as
    close as I can to her general look. We are similar bone sizes
    but she is a tad taller. However whatever I end at and look
    like, I'll be happy. :)
  • cjstagg
    cjstagg Posts: 40 Member
    I saw this one the other day and I LOVE it.. I am going to do something similiar...
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    I tried the goal sites and none of them really interested me, BUT---I bought myself a killer outfit and shoes that cost almost as much as my daughter and when I get discouraged, I pull them out and look for about 15 minnies to get back on track. I look less and less now because I am into my exercise mode--but I know they are there for that "bad" day. AND I KNOW THERE WILL BE BAD DAYS.
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    No goal board here, but I do have a couple of visual things that motivate me. A photo of myself from my high school years (I weighed the weight I'm trying to reach). Also, watching G.I. Jane. There is something that deeply motivates me when watching Demi Moore in that movie - especially her one-arm push-ups (hence my ticker photo). I summon those mental images when I'm struggling to finish a workout or need a kick-in-the-pants to start one :o)