Hi everyone!

Hi! I'm fairly new here and is just starting to get the hang of using myfitnesspal. I can say this site is amazing and everyone in the forum seems to be really friendly and supportive.

As for myself, I am also on the road to losing the extra weight and I do admit that a few people have been noticing the changes. Personally, I don't think its enough until I get around to doing more fitness activities (gym!).

I used to do XBOX Kinect activities every night but my activities tend to halt whenever my dad is home (since he hogs the TV and the living room all the time). Basically, I can't do any sort of work-out when he is around.

However, I am planning to make more room in my bedroom so I can workout in total privacy. I am thinking of doing the 30-Day shred twice a day but would that be sufficient? or should I add additional activities like XBOX yourshape fitness tracks or maybe some Xbox Zumba?


  • ruthpg816
    ruthpg816 Posts: 3
    Cardio! I think running or even walking really helps.

    P.S. What are your stats? Feel free to add me!
  • nboks
    nboks Posts: 41
    Cardio! I think running or even walking really helps.

    P.S. What are your stats? Feel free to add me!

    Thanks for reply and I added you! Currently, I feel like I'm stuck at 145lbs for a couple of weeks now although I used to be almost 160 before I started seriously dieting. I just really need to workout more!
  • IaurenEIizabeth
    I have the same problem! So I do the 30 Day Shred or get out of the house totally and go to the gym :) or i just go for a long walk somewhere (i'm not a fan of running in public...) Sometimes there are also Zumba classes on in town that I'll go to and zumba is so much fun and burns quite a few calories too :D I'll send you an add and we can hopefully help each other out! Good luck :)