Outback sweet potato

Anyone know what outback does to take a 100 cal sweet potato and turn it into 418 cals?? That's without adding the butter and brown sugar on top!!


  • DancingDreamer
    butter and sugar mixed in that they dont tell you about?

    i dont really know but thats my assumption. alot of restaurant food has added grease and sugar and/or salt that no one knows about (this coming from my friend who's a chef)
  • ronmichel
    ronmichel Posts: 13 Member
    Perhaps its the size and weight of the potato, I looked up Longhorn steakhouse's baked sweet potato and it was 360 calories
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I thought the exact same thing when I ordered it last time I was there. I didn't think a sweet potato that is usually pretty reasonable on calories could be so much! The butter could probably add 50-100 calories, maybe their nutrition info isn't all that accurate? Or they're assuming a huge potato?