Got some good news and some bad news today :(

So last week I had an issue with my knee when out running, I got home and had some pain in my knee. This has been on going since, I have followed the usual advice of ice for 72 hrs and heat after that along with rest elevation and protection, so today I ended up at my Dr's. Thankfully after examining my knee she' said there is some swelling but everything else felt good, because there is still some swelling I've been told to take another week off, which completely destroyed my plans for starting kettlebells and possibly spinning/xbiking. Not to mention no gym either >.< feeling really lazy and miserable as I could have done without the setback :(


  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    Oh -glad your knee only has the swelling....bummer on the rest of the news. Can you go swimming with the knee swollen? What about arm and core exercises - if you need to do something to get through the week? Hope your knee feels better quickly! :flowerforyou:
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Have you tried any of the joint supplements? I don't use them all the time but after a hard workout when I can feel my joints (especially knees) hurt, it seems to help to take them for a few days. Try to get some upper body work in or maybe get in a pool if you can. Don't give up just get better.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I had a back injury a couple months ago, and can relate to you! I am now back on track, but it took 2 months to recover from my back sprain!

    My counsel is this: continue to do some form of exercise that challenges your body, be it weight training, pushups, etc
    Be creative and keep training. Swim. You will just have to change your plan, but....keep going.
  • Eveys89
    Eveys89 Posts: 15
    I've been going through the same kinda thing, minus the swelling. Just started running about a month ago and really enjoyed it but since my last run about a week ago my right knee has been giving me trouble. Definitely not cool :/ .......Hope everything heals well and you're able to get back out there soon :)
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Punch it out girlfriend. Work that upper body.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    I had a back injury a couple months ago, and can relate to you! I am now back on track, but it took 2 months to recover from my back sprain!

    My counsel is this: continue to do some form of exercise that challenges your body, be it weight training, pushups, etc
    Be creative and keep training. Swim. You will just have to change your plan, but....keep going.

    Agree. I have knee replacements. I had to adapt to low impact exercise and so Nordic Walking is what I do along with some strength training that I do in my armchair and shake weights!
    Its not necessary to stop exercising, just change what you do.
    I hope your knee heals soon. Knee pain is SO debilitating. Good luck.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    You can still work out your upper body?? Weights for biceps, triceps, shoulders??? Also do some floor an workouts -crunches etc. you could come up with lots of exercise !
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    It hasn't completely destroyed your plans, just postponed them for a week.

    You could try upper body exercises while you rest your knees. There's probably a few you can do with kettlebells (as you mentioned you had plans to start with them), I'm not all familiar with those but you can do a lot of dumbbell and barbell upper body lifts while seated (to ensure you're taking pressure off you knee while it heals) so I expect it's also the case with kettlebells. That will at least keep you active and in the habit of exercising while your knee heals.
  • eggyeaster13
    eggyeaster13 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for all the replies! I am continuing with upper body and core work, just totally bummed about the no running :( I was really enjoying running again so just feeling pretty demoralised. I haven't tried any joint supplements but maybe I should look at them, I'm hoping that by next week I can get going the way I was. I was running 3 days a week for 30mins so nothing major so I am hoping that strengthening will help avoid anymore set backs.

    I am hoping that I can start my new classes soon, as I have never taken a class in any form of fitness activity and I really want to get started with Pilates, Kettlebells and X-Biking.
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    Check with your doctor, but maybe using the spin bike won't be as hard on your knee as running. I'm not sure what X-Biking is, but it may be easier than running on your knee too.
  • eggyeaster13
    eggyeaster13 Posts: 20 Member
    X-Biking is like spinning :) I'd have to wait 1 week to see my Dr again, only got to see a Dr today because I managed to get an emergency appointment. I have some work outs I can do at home, but yeah was looking forward to getting the go ahead to get up and running again, but I guess I should just be happy that it wasn't anything serious with my knee.
  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    If you're considering a supplement for your joints, I highly recommend Animal Flex. It's a joint support stack that really helps with maintaining the cushioning in your joints.
  • eggyeaster13
    eggyeaster13 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for your recommendation, I'll be sure to check it out!