Need help finding a protein shake!!

Hi :) I'm looking for a gluten-free shake. I've tried 100% whey and another mix and they also didn't agree with me.
I also don't drink milk, never been able to stomach it since I was a baby... and it's weird, even if I use water and the shake goes frothy and milk-like, I can't drink it... gag reflex.
I need a good quality shake with high protein and medium carbs for post-workout.. any help would be greatly appreciated!! :)

I have a very high protein diet anyway, but sometimes eating so much is difficult so a shake would make my life so much easier!!

Pea protein was suggested, but having done some research, the general consensus is that it tastes like eating the ground :p I'm not sure I fancy that...


  • CaitlinAmburn
    CaitlinAmburn Posts: 6 Member
    So, this is a protein shake that I find pretty yummy and its gluten free. If you can stomach soy milk, you can use that, but you can also just use water. Frozen banana and some peanut butter. (if needing a low calorie peanut butter, there is a powdered peanut butter now sold at Walmart. 45 calories for one serving!) Add enough water to get things moving and make as thick or thin as you want. Creamy and peanut butter-y! Also, this helps get in good carbs, vitamins, and protein needed after a workout. :) I hope this helped!
  • ChristinaSabbagh1
    ChristinaSabbagh1 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, thanks for replying! I love peanut butter.. and bananas.. so this is definitely worth a try! Full calorie peanut butter will be fine as well, needing both carbs and protein and trying to increase my calories! Can't wait to try this :)
  • kmburns3
    kmburns3 Posts: 46 Member
    Have you tried Syntrax Nectar series? I can mix with water and drink them or make different tasting drinks. My personal favorite is fuzzy naval mix, with ice and orange juice, but they're all good. I'm not sure about gluten-free though, you'd have to look more into that.
  • ChristinaSabbagh1
    ChristinaSabbagh1 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I've just looked it up, the reviews all seem to be really good (although some say it goes very frothy) I'd never heard of it before... and it is gluten-free!! :):) However, it contains no carbohydrate at all so won't do for me for after training, but would definitely consider it for supplementing protein throughout the day!
  • Aparz1
    Aparz1 Posts: 949
    I like Isopure Protein... yummy fruity flavors like mango peach- draw back (for you) no carbs... my husband blends banana and fruit into the mix which ups the carbs but on its own it is a zero carb protein